In webCRM you have the option to synchronize e-mails to the entity the e-mail was sent from. Follow this guide to learn how to place e-mails on entities using merge fields.
NOTICE: It's important that the template you're using, is of the same Type as the entity, on which the e-mail is sent from. Fx. Pipeline or Activity.
First of all we need to create a template. In this example we will send out an e-mail from the Activity entity, and therefore the merging field has to be Activity as well. Furthermore we choose the Type.
The proces of the e-mail being placed on the correct entity when synchronizing is done by using a merge field. The merge field is called "Tracking code", and you find it under Miscellaneous --> Tracking code
We recommend coloring the text white, so it won't show in the e-mail.
The code looks like shown below, and won't need to be filled with anything else. The merge fields are pulling data from the entity, the e-mail is being sent from.
When the customer answers the e-mail and you synchronize it to webCRM, the system will read the tracking code in the e-mail, and place the e-mail on the exact entity you sent the e-mail from.
Furthermore you will be able to see the e-mail on the contactperson in webCRM, together with the symbol of the entity, which the e-mail is attached to.