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Custom Fields: Types
Updated over a week ago


Two digits seperated by an asterisk (i.e. 0*50) to specify the maximum number of characters (minimum 0 and maximum 50)

Positive Integer

Two digits seperated by an asterisk (i.e. 1000*50000) to specify the number should be between 1000 and 50000


No input is required. Date format is specified for each User in their profile.


No input is required. The system will check that the data entered in this field contains an @ and warn you, if not.


No input is required.


This is a single Drop down list where you can select only one option at a time. The options are listed, seperated by *. The first option you include is the default. A typical list could therefore look as follows:

- - Select - - * Option A * Option B * Option C *

This list can contain max. 5000 characters (i.e. typically up to 500 or more options). You can add more options to the list later on and you can move the options around, while creating new ones.

WARNING: If you change the text in the option (even from small to capital letters) and you have existing records with that option selected, then the reference is lost and the Drop down list will reset to the default option.

Multi select list

This field allows you to select any number of options at the same time, using Checkboxes. You can create up to 99 options in a single Multi select list.

The options are listed with a unique number (between 01 and 99) followed by : and then the option. An example would be:

01: Option 1
05: Option 2
10: Option 3
99: Other

Once you allocate a number to an option you must not separate them again. If you need to re-order the options, you can change the order like this:

99: Other
01: Option 1
05: Option 2
10: Option 3

The numbers are unique and used by the system to reference the checkbox status (checked or unchecked). Therefore if you switched the options like this:

05: Option 3
10: Option 2

The records which previously had 05: Option 2 checked will now display 05: Option 3

You may, however, change the text (for example correct a spelling or capitalise the word) and your existing data will not be adversely affected. Next time you view the record, the updated text will be displayed.

Web link

This type can be used to link a webpage or file to a record. However many website links consist of very long strings.

You can set up the weblink references by browsing to Configuration → Custom fields → Web links.

You create a shortcut number and specify the full URL which it should represent i.e. *3 could be

In the Custom field you can then enter *3/customers.asp and the full URL can be accessed to navigate to without risk of truncation.


This is a Text field with multiple lines and up to 30,000 characters

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