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Dataimport: Quotationlines
Updated over a week ago

Notice: If you have an integration to an ERP-system, your quotationlines should automatically be updated by the synchronization and therefore you should not edit these.

To make an import on quotationlines in webCRM, go to Configurations --> Custom fields --> Products and click on the link icon in the up right corner of the picture.

Click on the pencil with the text Paste all linked data, as shown below.

Click then on Upload / Overwrite.

Upload your CSV file and choose under Add to existing whether the file should be created as new quotationlines (the file cannot update current quotationlines), or if it should overwrite the existing quotationlines.

Notice: Overwriting quotationlines cannot be undone!

If your quotationlines contains the letters æ, ø and, we recommend using the UTF-8 as code when importing. You can find this option in the Advanced import options.

It is not possible to add changes to existing quotationlines in the system. So if you need to edit the quotationlines, you should first export these to Excel, then make the changes in the Excel sheet, and afterwards import the file again.

To export the Excel file with all the quotationlines, go to Configurations --> Custom fields --> Products and click on the link icon to the right.

Click on the pencil with the text "List / Edit linked data".

In the right corner you will find an Excel icon. When clicking on the icon you export all quotationlines from the system into an Excel sheet.

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