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Main Settings: Create an Access Level
Updated over a week ago

It's possible to make a new access level in webCRM for your Users. Go to Configurations --> Main settings --> Access levels.

NOTICE: It's only possible to create an access level in SMB or Enterprise systems,

We recommend that you use a number, that is logic and represent the position of the access level on the existing list. Also use a descriptive name, to make the use of the acces level clear.

We furthermore recommend that you fill out the description of the access level, due to the fact that the description helps Users to know, what the level contains of accesses.

Access for Access level

As with existing access levels in webCRM, you can chose the data access that comes with the level.


The regular option here is All. The User will have access to all data in this entity, or just as responsible, where the User has to be the responsible for the entity, to see the data.

Main menu

Here you can choose what menu elements, the access level will be shown and have an option to choose.

Utility menu

Here you can choose whether the access level has access to budgets, pipeline levels etc.

Configuration menu

Decide whether the access level should see settings for other Users as well as data import menu.

Licens payments

Only Users with your e-conomy as responsibility should have this feature activated.


Decide whether or not the access level should gain access to setup holidays and time off in the Calendar.

Delivery / Time recording

Only visible, if it's activated in your system.

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