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Learn how to create and set up budgets in webCRM

Updated over a week ago

Create and choose budget type

When creating a budget in webCRM, you have the option to choose between following budget types (it may look different in your system, depending on the features activated):

Når du opsætter et budget i webCRM, har du du mulighed for at vælge mellem følgende budgettyper (det kan dog se lidt anderledes ud i jeres system, hvis ikke alt er aktiveret):

Opportunity Responsible

  • Pipeline 1. responsible

    • Here you choose a salesperson / User in webCRM, and the budget will be measured by all pipelines, where the User is 1st responsible.

  • Pipeline 2. responsible

    • Here you choose a salesperson / User in webCRM, and the budgets will be measured by all pipelines, where the User is 2nd responsible.

  • Pipeline 1. responsible or 2. responsible

    • Here you choose a salesperson / User in webCRM, and the budgets will be measured by all pipelines, where the User is 1st and 2nd responsible.

Organisation Responsible

  • Organisation 1. responsible

    • Here you choose a salesperson / User in webCRM, and the budget will be measured by all pipelines, where the User is 1st responsible on the Organisation of the pipeline.

  • Organisation 2. responsible

    • Here you choose a salesperson / User in webCRM, and the budget will be measured by all pipelines, where the User is 2nd responsible on the Organisation of the pipeline.

  • Organisation 1. responsible or 2. responsible

    • Here you choose a salesperson / User in webCRM, and the budget will be measured by all pipelines, where the User is either 1st og 2nd responsible on the Organisation of the pipeline.

NOTE: The budget will not measure the responsible of the pipeline in this budget type.

Organisation Types

  • Organisation Territory

    • Here you will se opportunities and orders, that lies on Organisations within certain Territories. More than one Territory can be used.

  • Organisation Type

    • Here you will se Opportunities and Orders, based on the Organisation type.

  • Organisation Industry

    • Here you will se Opportunities and Orders, based on the Organisation Industry.

  • Organisation Status

    • Here you will se Opportunities and Orders, based on the Organisation's Status.

  • Specific Organisation

    • Here you set up the budget for one specific Customer / Organisation.

  • All Opportunities + Orders

    • This type contains all Opportunities and Orders in your webCRM system.

Set up your goals

Under the tab "Revenue" you can edit the startdate, period of time and duration of the budget.

This is also where you put in the budget goals. This can both be revenue and gross margin (GM), if you use these in webCRM. Furthermore it's possible to write either a total revenue and GM, and choose "Distribute totals evenly", or you can write in the different goals for each months, like shown below.


Under the tab Access, you have the opportunity to set the access restrictions for the budget.

  • Department

    • Only allow Users within a specific department, to access the budget.

  • Accesslevel

    • Choose which accesslevel should have access to the budget. You can choose more than one.

  • Territory

    • If you've made a budget for Organisations in a certain Territory, you can limit the access restrictions to only the Users, who are granted access to the choosen Territories.

  • Minimum accesslevel

    • Here you choose the minimum accesslevel, that can access the budget, and all accesslevels above this level, have access to the budget.

  • For User

    • Give a specific User access to the budget.

Budget View

When the budgets are shown on the frontpage, you can click on the different shown values, to choose what to see on the budget. This can be done with both Won, Weighted forecast and Unweighted forecast.

The values in the budget can be shown by hovering over the different graphs.

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