Importing products in bulk in XLSX form

How to import all your products at once to Webshippy by using an Excel table?

Ferenc Horvath avatar
Written by Ferenc Horvath
Updated over a week ago

You can easily import a large number of products by uploading a XLSX file. If you don’t have any products uploaded to Webshippy yet, just create an XLSX table based on this sample file and make sure to include the exact same columns in the uploaded file as the ones in the sample.

Important!!! The “Read me” worksheet of the sample file contains the content and possible values of each field of the product import table, along with the instructions on how to fill them.

Important!!! Before importing your products to Webshippy, please read our guide on creating products. It’s important for you to be familiar with this even if you are not uploading your products manually. Click on the following link:

The most frequently asked question: What is the SKU?

The most important identification of a product is the SKU (stock-keeping unit), or article number. This code is used to manage products and stock. It identifies and keeps track of the products internally. Every product must have a separate unit number.

When you upload a large amount of products, our system analyses and identifies the items based on their SKU.

How to upload the table?

1. Go to "Product management" - "Products" page

2. Click on Import products (XLSX) in "Tools"

3. Upload the XLSX file including the following information

Rules to follow carefully! (You can also find it on the “Read me” worksheet of our sample file!)

  • Write each product in a separate row;

  • All rows where you leave column ‘A’ empty or include a ‘#’ mark will be disregarded;

  • If there are several variations of the same product, each of them should have a separate row designated, with a separate SKU (article number);

  • Our system updates the data of product(s) with already existing SKU numbers during the import. If you wish not to have it updated, leave the field empty;

  • Leave the arrangement of the rows unchanged. Don’t insert, delete or change the order of any of them. Don’t rewrite the text in the first row either;

  • Always fill in the obligatory fields;

  • The XLSX file must be saved in compatible mode, because only then will the system be able to read the data from the workbook.

When you export the products, you get a table that can be immediately imported. We recommend this method to do major modifications as well. Just make sure to always save the file you want to upload in a XLSX version.

What fields must you fill in when listing your products in the Marketplace catalogue?

In addition to the obligatory basic information, the following data is necessary when uploading your products to the Marketplace catalogue:

Wholesale (gross) price
The price you would like to receive when a webshop sells your product.

VAT rate
The basic VAT rate of the product that we base the gross price of the wholesale.

invoice on.

Recommended retail (net) price
The price at which traders publish the product in their own store (this is only a suggestion, webshops can deviate from this price).

Category, subcategory
The category and subcategory of the product which helps in finding it during searching the product catalogue.

What product category shall I list my products under?

The following table contains the existing categories that you can list your products under (you can find this in “Categories” in the XLS sample file):

Product categories to list your products under in the Marketplace catalogue

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