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Forms elements
Updated over 4 months ago

This article describes all the elements available when creating or modifying a form.

For information about customizable settings for each form, see Forms settings.




A field allowing for an optional heading and a mandatory client response in a text field.

Short Answer

A field allowing for a question and optional subheading, where the user must provide an answer limited to 125 characters.

Long Answer

A field allowing for a question and optional subheading, where the user must provide an answer greater than 125 characters.

Multiple Choice

A field allowing for a question and optional question subheading, where the user must select one or more predetermined checkbox fields.

  • To add a multiple choice item, enter text in the option field and click the Add button

  • To remove a multiple choice item, click the Sub button


A field allowing for a question and optional question subheading, where the user can select one or more dropdown menu items.

  • If you want to allow the client to select only one option, click Single Selection. If you want to allow the client to select more than one option, click Multiple Selection.

  • To add a dropdown item, enter text in the Dropdown Options field and click the Add button

  • To remove a dropdown item, click the Sub button

Radio Button

A field allowing for a question along with an optional question subheading, where the user must select one response from a set of predefined options.

  • To add a radio button, enter text in the Radio Button field and click the Add button

  • To remove a radio button, click the Sub button

  • To reorder the radio buttons, click and drag the Move icon next to the button’s text field.


A field allowing for an optional question and question subheading, where the client must sign electronically.

When completing a client’s form from their client profile, you can click Use signature pad to let your client sign the form using a signature pad. The button isn’t displayed on the Client Portal or the Achieve Client App.


A field allowing for an optional question and question subheading, where the client must enter their initials electronically.


A field allowing a question and an optional question subheading, where the client must provide a rating using either 5 or 10 stars.


A field where an image can be embedded in the form with a heading, optional subheading, and optional caption.

Image Markup

A field allowing for a question and optional subheading, where the user can mark up an image to provide visual information for the form.

The default image is a body chart, but staff members who can edit forms can upload custom images while completing a form. For more information about image markup, see Marking up images on forms.


A field that allows clients to upload to images for a side-by-side comparison.

After upload, the file will be added to Documents > Attachments section of the client profile. Attachments can be any file type but can’t exceed the maximum file size of 20 MB.


A solid line divider that separates forms into sections.

Page Break

A page break that starts the next form component on a new page, with pagination added to the bottom of the form.

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