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Enter Job Details

Enter details for Jobs in WERK8

Mike Duggan avatar
Written by Mike Duggan
Updated over a week ago

When you have entered a Customer and Vehicle, the Job page appears

Enter Job Information (left hand side of the page)

  1. Select a Replacement Vehicle, if needed. If not, leave blank

  2. Add a Budget, if needed. If the cost of the job exceeds to the budget, WERK8 will send you a notification

  3. Add a photo of the Vehicle, if needed

  4. Add a note on the Job, if needed

Task Summary (centre of the page)

  1. Enter task name (e.g. change brake disks), press Add Task

Task Detail (right hand side of the page)

  1. Add duration, which also calculates Labour costs

  2. To add parts, click on the Parts tab and click Add Parts

  3. To add attachments, click on Add Attachments

  4. To add a comment, click on Add Comments

If you have set up the Mechanics App, Parts, Attachments and Comments will be viewable by the Mechanic assigned the Task in their Mechanics App. For example, you can add parts fitting instructions as an attachment, or add torque settings as a Comment.

To Schedule the Task, click on the Schedule button.

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