Finding full details about a Task

Viewing full task information

Leoni Keogh avatar
Written by Leoni Keogh
Updated over a week ago

If you click on the title/name of a Task from anywhere in WeTrack, you will be taken to the Task Details Page for that Task. This page provides full information about the Task, any Sub-Tasks to which it is parent, any Dependencies, Linked Items, Comments or Attachments – and much more! A smaller version of this page exists when you click on the title/name of a Sub-Task from anywhere in WeTrack.

In short, this is the place to go to look into the detail of a task. Crucially, you can now make changes to the task in this view, too – simply hover over any field and click ‘Edit’ to update the information for that field.

The page is split into two halves. The top half contains detail about the Task itself, including the following:

  • Task title, at the very top of the page;

  • Its RAG Status, which you can edit here.

  • Its Milestone Type, if any;

  • The Start and Due Dates of the Task, including an indication as to whether it is overdue or upcoming;

  • Any responsible department or individual;

  • The Project of which it is part;

  • And you can click ‘Show More’ to reveal the Task Group of which the task is part, the Event, if any, that the task is associated with, the ref code and Description, its priority and percentage complete (which you can set), and any tags that have been applied to the task.

The second tab in the top half of the page shows you any Zone, Area or Location that has been applied to the Task. You can set up zones and areas in the Location Manager, found in Settings.

The third tab in the top half of the page allows you to add any subscribers to the Task – users who might not be an owner of the Task but need to be aware of its progress.

In the second half of the page are five more tabs that reveal greater detail about the items within and associated to the task.

  • History. This tab lets you add comments to the task and also shows you a full audit history of all changes or additions to the task.

  • Sub-Tasks. This shows a list of all of the sub-tasks that work towards the completion of the parent task. You can also add new sub-tasks here, or click into a sub-task to view further information.

  • Dependencies. Here, you can see any tasks that this task depends upon or that depend upon it, as well as adding new dependencies. Learn all about dependency control here.

  • Linked Items. Here, you can see any tasks, sub-tasks, projects, risks, issues or opportunities that have been associated to this task, or you can create new links between items.

  • Attachments. Here, you can upload files or links to the task, or view any files and links that have already been associated to the task.

When viewing a Task Details Page, the left-hand side-panel (just to the left of the Project Detail) is a handy navigation tool. Here, you can click on other Tasks in the same Project or Task Group, or click ‘Back’ to return to the Projects & Tasks Homepage. Any filters that you had applied will remain active.

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