Updating an Incident

How to make updates to your incidents

Leoni Keogh avatar
Written by Leoni Keogh
Updated over a week ago

There are a number of ways to update your Incident. On the Incident Details Page, hover over any field and click the blue ‘Edit’ icon that appears to immediately make changes to any part of your Incident, then simply click ‘Apply’ to save. You can update Incident severity, Incident Status or the Headline Status directly from the summary Incident Details Page.

You can also update Incident severity directly in the Incident List. Simply click the coloured, numbered circle representing severity.

You can also edit any other field directly in the Incident List - simply click on the lozenge, select a new option, and click 'Apply'.

You can update an incident's location in the Location tab of the Incident Details Page, or add any attachments, comments or subscribers at the bottom of the Incident Details Page.

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