Filtering in the Gantt

Finding the information you need in the Gantt

Leoni Keogh avatar
Written by Leoni Keogh
Updated over a week ago

A whole range of Filters can be selected in the header of the Gantt Chart. These are the key tool to drill down into the information you really wish to observe in timeline form. They work in the same way as our filters in other parts of the system, so we recommend checking out this article for fuller detail.

Add Filters that you wish to use or Save them to use them again. The Gantt will update, and the Filters which you have selected will display in the top left of the page. You can always click the red ‘x’ symbol at the top of the page to return to the original, unfiltered Gantt view.

The default zoom level is to Quarters. This can be changed in the ‘Gantt Options’ bar, to Days, Weeks or Months. In the same ‘Gantt Options’ tab – found by clicking the ‘three dots’ symbol on the right-hand side of the screen, you can make a number of changes to the view of the Gantt, including expanding all projects and tasks, displaying or hiding certain information types, restricting the timeline, showing baseline dates, showing the critical path, or showing milestone animations.

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