Complete Guide to User Permissions

Setting up Permissions

Leoni Keogh avatar
Written by Leoni Keogh
Updated over a week ago

WeTrack relies on varied permission controls to allow admin users to decide what information can be viewed and what actions can be performed by members of their team. To change a user permission, click on your avatar in the bottom left-hand corner of any WeTrack page, navigate to Settings > Users & Departments > Users, and select a particular user.

When viewing a particular user, the bottom left-hand side of the page lists the possible Roles that they can have within the WeTrack system. These are ‘Account Admin’, ‘User Admin’, ‘Admin’, and ‘General User’.

  • Account Admin users can access all Settings, including Account Settings and User Settings, as well as being able to access every module, to see and edit all information, and see and edit all confidential items. There must be a minimum of one Account Admin role per account.

  • User Admin users can access User Settings, as well as being able to access every module, and to see and edit all information. However, they cannot access Account Settings or see and edit confidential items. This role should be given to users who need to be able to add, edit or delete users, but don’t need the other roles of an Account Admin.

  • Admin users can access all Settings with the exception of Account Settings; they cannot, however, add, edit or delete users. They can access every module and see and edit all information, with the exception of confidential items. This role should be given to users who need to access some Settings areas (such as a module-specific area) but don’t need the roles of an Account or User Admin.

  • General users have their permissions controlled by the other Admin users. They can be granted or denied access to each module, and the information they see within each module can also be restricted. They can access ‘My Preferences’ to edit their own profile, and ‘Document Manager’ to view documents, but cannot access any other Settings.

When viewing a particular user, the right-hand side of the page lists the see and edit permissions for that user in each module. Check out the articles for more detail on how to control permissions in the Planning, Readiness, Control, and Run Sheets modules.

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