Introduction to the Settings area

Customising settings in WeTrack

Leoni Keogh avatar
Written by Leoni Keogh
Updated over a week ago

There are various permissions roles that allow you access to make changes to your organisation’s WeTrack system. See the further articles in the Admin Settings section of this support site to see what is possible.

In Settings, you can find general account settings, which are only available to users with the ‘Account Admin’ role. Admin users can find module-specific settings here.

All users can access ‘My Preferences, to view or make changes to their profile, password, or notification settings, and ‘Document Manager’, to view any documents within the WeTrack system.

To access the options available to you, click on your avatar, go to the Settings tab in the left-hand Sidebar and select from any of the options.

Check out the rest of the Settings section for details of all the customisable options you can find in this area, or the Imports & Exports or Users, Departments & Permissions sections for specific in-depth articles on those areas.

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