Sustainability Settings

How system administrators can manage data in the sustainability module

Leoni Keogh avatar
Written by Leoni Keogh
Updated over a week ago

System Administrators have considerable control over various types of information that can be assigned to your indicators. These can be found in Settings, by clicking on your avatar in the bottom left-hand corner of any WeTrack page, selecting 'Settings' and then 'Sustainability'. System administrators can manage:

  • Indicator Categories. Each indicator must belong to a category. These appear in the Indicator List, and can also be filtered by in other views.

  • Target Types. Here you can select optional target types for your indicators, which you might want to filter by or report on within the module.

  • Units of Measurement. For your numeric indicators, you can select a unit of measurement for the values you record. There are a number of pre-set options here, but you can also add your own.

  • UN SDGs. The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals offer a globally recognised framework for categorising your indicators, which can be assigned to any indicator.

  • Indicator Priorities. If you need to categorise your indicators by three different priority levels, you can customise the labels for those three levels.

  • Checklists. In some cases, you might want your users to follow a particular checklist of steps when updating the value for a particular category of indicator. Create those checklists here and assign them when you create the indicator.

  • Indicator Frameworks. This functionality, coming soon, will allow you to track a particular indicator across a whole group of departments / organisations / events.

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