Job Checklists
Leoni Keogh avatar
Written by Leoni Keogh
Updated over a week ago

Job Checklists allow for a consistent approach/response plan when creating and managing Jobs/Tasks through your WeTrack System. If a checklist has been associated with a category, upon creation of a job with that category, the associated checklist will automatically be added to the Job

To create new job categories, simply follow these steps;

  • Click on you users avatar at the bottom left side of the screen

  • Select the 'Settings' option

  • Click on 'Control'

  • Select 'Job Checklists'

Here you'll see any previously created checklists, and be able to edit them.

To add a new checklist, simply follow these steps;

  • Click on the +Checklist button at the top left of the page

  • Enter the name of the checklist, EG: Bathroom Maintenance

  • Optionally, associate it with a Job Category, EG: Bathrooms/Toilets

  • Optionally, click to select whether this checklist will be automatically added to any new jobs associated with the categories selected.

Once created, click on the newly added checklist, and begin adding the checks you'd like to add within

By starring an item, a job cannot be closed without this check being filled out.


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