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What is "Wedo"?
Updated over a week ago

What is "Wedo"?

This function allows you to register your team's improvement actions and deliver a "Retrospective Survey". "Wedo" is derived from "We do this🙋".


"Wedo" serves to "support" the team's cycle of action and review.

The following are the key points of use;

・Dialogue within the team

・The team must be able to execute the actions agreed upon by the team.

What you can do with Wedo

Through Wedo's functions, you can

  • Enter actions to be taken, measures implemented, etc.

  • By continuing to fill in the form, you can visualize the linkage between past surveys and measures.

  • After filling out the form, a "Retrospective" survey for each registered action will be sent out.

  • The results of the "Retrospective" survey will also be visualized.

Viewing Range

The viewing range of the Wedo screen and "NEXT ACTION" registered in Wedo is determined by the selection of "Review Settings" at the time of registration, and we recommend that you select the setting according to your purpose.

Examples of how to use the "Review Settings"

▼All Group

・If you want to distribute a survey to group members for "review".

・If you want to share actions through Wedo's screen.

→You can also share the survey data by using ''Share Link'' with those who do not have access to the group's data.

・If you want to link the survey to the measures.

▼Only Me

・If you want to keep the measures as your own memo.

・If you want to link the survey to the measures.

Viewing range by "Review Settings"

▼When Wedo is set to "All members of a group

In addition to you, the owner of the group and other people who have the authority to view the group can view the Wedo.

▼ When Wedo is set to "Only me"

Only you can view the Wedo.



Wedo | How to use

Service: Wevox Engagement

Who can access: who have access permission/owner

Service function: "Wedo" is a function that allows you to enter your team's improvement actions, display them on a group page, and distribute a look-back survey. This section introduces how to register actions and how to distribute the survey with a look back.

How to register actions

This section will guide you through the actual operation of Wedo registration.

For more information on how to use Wedo, please refer to “What is Wedo? for how to use Wedo, and “[Wedo] How to use Review” for Wedo's flow.

Please note that only those who have access permission/owner can register Wedo.

How to do it

  1. Select the group you want to add Wedo to from the overview.

    (Example: If you want to add Wedo to the subordinate organization “Branch” of “By Branch”)

  2. Click “Wedo” in the upper right corner of the screen

  3. Click “Add” when the Wedo screen opens

4.Describe the action, select the scope of publication, and click "Save".

  • When “All group” is selected

    • If you select “All group", the survey will be viewable only by those who have permission to view it and the owner of the group.

    • The “Retrospective Survey” will be sent to all members of the group.

  • When “Only me” is selected

    • Only the person who has entered the information can view the survey.

    • The retrospective survey will be sent only to those who make a retrospective survey.

How to Use Wedo to Review

Click on "Send a Retrospective Survey" for registered improvement actions and it will be delivered immediately.

*A new version was released on 2021/06/06. Please click here for details.

The following is a guide to the actual instructions of Wedo's Review function.

For information on how to use Wedo (usage scenarios), please refer to "What is Wedo?" and for information on how to operate Wedo registration, please refer to "Wedo: How to Register Actions".


  • After registering improvement actions in Wedo, a survey can be sent out with questions and comments about the actions, and the implementation status can be entered.

  • You can check the evaluation and comments from Wedo's "DONE" page. (Anonymous)

  • Clicking on "Send a Retrospective Survey" will send the survey immediately.


  1. Search the status of implementation with survey respondents

In Wedo, click on "Send a Retrospective Survey" to immediately send questions regarding implementation status.


  • For each Wedo (action), two are delivered: an evaluation and a comment (optional).

  • The text entered in Wedo will be shown directly in the question.

▼ Screen image (1): Evaluation of the first question, "Wedo" (2 choices)

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▼Screen image (2): Second question, comments on this Wedo

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2. Check the status of Wedo's review.

Once respondents have completed their input, the results and comments will be shown in the appropriate Wedo page.

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