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How to Deliver Customized Surveys
How to Deliver Customized Surveys
Updated over 2 months ago

Learn how to create and deliver customized surveys.

We are implemented a major renewal on January 21, 2022. Click here for more details.

Click here for the detail of Customized Surveys.

Step 1: Set up a question

1. Go to Wevox Engagement /Wevox Admin→ Services→ select "Customized Surveys"

▼ Screen transition in Wevox Engagement

▼ Screen transition in Wevox Admin

Click on "Create New" in the upper right corner of the screen.

2. Enter a name for your customized survey and click "Create".

The survey title written in the red frame in the image below will be displayed in the customized survey list. The title of the survey at the time of delivery can be set separately so that enter the title which is easily visible in the list.

3. Select the response method from "Add Question", enter the question content, and click "Save Settings".Once you have saved one or more questions, the preview in the upper right corner will become available.

 ▼You can choose from the following four response methods.

Likert Scale

This is useful when you want the respondents to answer "How much so?

The total result is calculated as a "score" and shown as a numerical value and graph.

Multi-line Text

This is used when you want the respondents to answer the question freely in text. No particular tally is made, and you can get their honest opinions.

Single Selection

Use this option when you want the respondents to answer only one question from among the choices. You can also add "Other" to the choices to allow free text answers, which can be turned on or off.The results will be shown in a graph.

Multiple Selection

Use this option when one or more of the options are available to answer a question. You can also add "Other" to the choices and switch ON/OFF to allow free text input.

The results are shown in a graph.

It is also possible to change the answer method while creating a question. Please use the pull-down menu in the upper left corner of the "Question Setting" screen.

▼ For details on each item, please refer to the following.

Result name

This is not reflected in the survey answer page. Please use words that are easy to understand on the result screen. (Straightforward and easy-to-understand language is recommended.)

Question body

It will be shown on the Survey Response screen. ( In a centered format )

[In the Likert Scale] Degree setting

You can set the degree to which the high score is set to the left or right, and the degree to which it is placed at the extremes.

[In the Single Choice] Response Options

You can set up to 50 answer choices. If you set the "Other" option to ON, you can write freely when answering. There is no character limit for this setting.

The answer page will appear as follows.

If you want to create questions similar to those already set up, you can duplicate them.


・Please note that once a question is deleted, it cannot be reverted.

  If you want to save the question but don’t want to deliver it, please turn off the delivery of only the question which you do not want delivery

・A maximum of 50 questions can be registered for one customized survey.

4. Final confirmation before delivery

Please confirm the delivery order and delivery ON/OFF.

 A: You can change the delivery order by drag and drop.

 B: This indicates questions that have been updated in some way since you opened this question setting page.

 C: The answer method of each question is indicated by an icon.

 D: Set the delivery ON/OFF for each question. (Green means ON, gray means OFF)

 E: You can check the image of the answer page when delivered with the current settings.

  (Click here for details on preview)

Now you are done preparing the question.

Step 2: Configure the delivery settings

5. Click "Delivery" from the left menu.

6. Set each item.

Set the title, the number of people, and the delivery method.

▼Basic Settings

Customized Survey Title

This is an item to be displayed in the notification message and the answer page upon delivery. Enter the text that conveys the survey contents to the respondents.

If it is not set, the customized survey title described in Steps 1 & 2 will be reflected.


The number of questions registered in the previous "Question Settings" page and turned on for delivery is displayed. You can check the questions again by clicking the link. Please note that you cannot change the question text during the delivery period. If you have any concerns, please be sure to check.

Customized survey targets

A minimum of three people can be surveyed. Please click on the number of people link and select the target audience. It is possible to narrow down the search by group, attribute, etc.

▼Delivery Method Settings

Select one of the following delivery methods.

Deliver Now

This will be sent out immediately after the setting.

After setting the response date and whether or not to be automatically reminded, click "Send" to finish. You can also use "Test Delivery" if necessary.

Deliver together with Engagement Survey

When respondents answer the next engagement survey, they will be connected to the Customized Survey right after Engagement Survey.

No need to set up the details (delivery date, reminder date, etc.), just select it and click "Schedule Delivery" to finish.


  • Survey scores will be tabulated based on the settings at the time of delivery. Please update information such as groups and categories to the state you wish to aggregate by the date of delivery.

  • You cannot change the question text during the delivery period. Please make sure to check if you have any concerns.

  • You cannot make a "Reservation for Delivery" for a single distribution.  

    • If you wish to distribute on a specific day, please do so on that day.

  • The delivery period cannot be extended on the management screen. 

    • Please make sure you have enough time so that you do not need to extend the delivery period.

    • If you need to extend the period, please contact support.

  • When you select three or more survey targets, you will be able to click the "Test Delivery" button.

This completes the delivery/reserve delivery.

Extra Step: Setting the Remind and deliver during the response period

Click on the survey from the Customized Surveys list and select "Delivery Status" from the menu on the left side of the page to configure the following four settings

  • Automatic reminder: Set a reminder for the next day or later.

  • Send reminder: Send a reminder immediately.

  • Resend to specific members: Resend only to the members you select.

  • Add survey targets: Send surveys to additional targets

#カスタムサーベイ #配信 #作成 #同時配信

#customized survey #delivery #create #simultaneous delivery

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