Whizzimo can generate a large variety of words depending on what you need, so you don't have to do all that extra work coming up with word lists. Just input your criteria and the words will be generated for you. Let Whizzimo do the work for you!
For example, let's say you want words with letters, 3 syllables and that have the letters 'a' and 'e' in them. You would use the following filters:
Number of Letters - Set it to 7
Number of Syllables - Set it to 3
Word Contains - Set it to include A and E
Below is a list of all the available filters:
Phonetic/Sight Workbook - Select ‘Phonetic’ to only search for words that fit common phonics rules. Select ‘Sight’ to search for all words, both phonetic and non-phonetic. ‘Sight’ workbooks have certain limitations in the activities because the words are not broken down into their individual sounds.
Nonsense / Real Words - Search for nonsense words, real words, or both.
Number of Letters - Find words that have between 1 and 20 letters.
Number of Syllables - Find words that have between 1 and 10 syllables.
Exact Tiles - Find words comprised only of the following tiles. Click on the three dots on a letter tile to further limit the search to specific letter/sound combinations.
Any Grapheme - Find words that contain at least one of the following graphemes. For example: a, ll, ing
CVC Patterns - Find words with any of the following consonant/vowel patterns. Enter an ‘E' to include words with the silent ‘e’ letter. For example, the pattern for ‘dim’ is ‘CVC’ while pattern for ‘dime’ is 'CVCE’. For example: CVC, CCVC
Does Not Contain Grapheme - Find words that do not contain any of the following graphemes. For example: a, i, th
Ending Blends - Find words that contain any of the following ending blends. For example: st, ld, r
Exact Words - Find specific words by typing them in the following box or by selecting them from your search results. For example: and, in, that
Exclude Words - Filter out specific words from your search results by typing them in the following box or by selecting them from your search results. For example: and, in
First Grapheme - Find words that begin with any of the following graphemes. For example: a, i, th
Initial Blends - Find words that contain any of the following initial blends. For example: cr, pl, s
Last Grapheme - Find words that end with any of the following graphemes. For example: a, ll, ing
Number of Sounds - Find words that have between 1 and 12 sounds.
Onset Letters - Find words with the following onset letters. For example: bl, r, ch
Prefixes - Find words with the following prefixes. For example: re, un, bi
Quick Exclude - Filter out words with any of the following attributes.
Quick Include - Find words with any of the following attributes.
Rime Letters - Find words with the following onset letters. For example: ome, ace
Sound/Letter Pairings - Find specific sound/letter pairings by selecting the letters that you are looking for and then the specific sounds based on the example words given. You can search for sound/letter pairings that occur anywhere in the word.
Suffixes - Find words with the following suffixes. For example: tion, ness, ing
Syllable Division - Find words that fit the following common syllable division rules.
Syllable Types - Find words with the following syllable types.
Word Begins With - Find words that begin with the following letters. For example: a, i, tha
Word Contains - Find words that contain the following letters. For example: th, o, a
Word Does Not Contain - Find words that do not contain the following letters. For example: a, in, ha
Word Ends With - Find words that end with the following letters. For example: s, ch, ing