Whizzimo has 14 activities that allow users to do a variety of exercises for each workbook! Each workbook in your course will display the same 14 activities. If your not sure how to use these, send us a support ticket and we can show you how.
Below is an overview of each activity:
The Tileboard is a fully customizable digital letter tile board that stay organized and never get lost. Use the Tileboard when you want to use all the tiles in your curriculum.
Workbook Tiles
Shows only the tiles for the words in that workbook. If tiles are missing, the system will prompt you to add them.
Mini Tile Board
Use the mini tile board to show just a few tiles at a time to focus on a specific concept
Wordcards are moveable cards that can be arranged as needed. You can even use these to play games!
Timed Reading
Timed Reading is a great way to assess fluency and accuracy
Flashcards are a dynamic way to display content , one at at time on the screen. You can show the whole word, syllable breakdown, onset/rime and tile view.
Lettercards allow you to view the letter tiles for a workbook one at a time.
Sentence Parts
Sentence parts show just a part of a sentence such as back pack . Use this activity to practice reading controlled text.
Use sentences to add full sentences for the student to read. Use this activity to practice reading controlled text.
Use passages to add a block of text with more than one sentence. Use this activity to practice reading controlled text.
Spelling allows users to spell words using letter tiles and receive a percent correct score.
The whiteboard is a blank page for writing, drawing, typing or play games. It is your canvas to use however you and your student need to.
Blank Tiles
Use blank tiles to practice phonemic awareness
PDF Viewer
PDF Viewer allows you to view any PDFS you have attached to the workbook. You can upload anything that is in PDF format.