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Why am I getting keywords recommended that aren't associated with my website?
Why am I getting keywords recommended that aren't associated with my website?
Tomás Nápoles avatar
Written by Tomás Nápoles
Updated over a week ago

Getting the "wrong" keywords recommended

If you're receiving keyword recommendations that don't seem relevant to your website, you're not alone. This can be a common issue, especially for websites with relatively low positions in Google search result pages. Here's why it might be happening and what you can do about it:

Google's Understanding of Your Content

Google uses complex algorithms to analyze and understand the content of websites. However, it's not always perfect, particularly for newer or less prominent sites. The keywords recommended to you are based on Google's understanding of the type of content your website contains. If Google hasn't fully grasped the nature of your content yet, it may suggest keywords that seem unrelated.

Content Optimization and Clarity

To improve the relevance of keyword recommendations, focus on optimizing your website's content and structure. Make sure your website clearly communicates its purpose, topics, and target audience. Use descriptive titles, headings, and meta tags to help Google understand the relevance of your content to specific keywords.

Targeted Keyword Research

In addition to relying solely on Google's recommendations, conduct your own keyword research based on your understanding of your audience and industry. Look for keywords that align closely with your content and are likely to attract the right kind of traffic to your website.

Monitor and Adjust

Regularly monitor the performance of the keywords you're targeting and adjust your strategy as needed. Pay attention to metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and keyword rankings to identify which keywords are driving the most valuable traffic to your site.

Patience and Persistence

Building visibility and authority in search results takes time and effort. Be patient and persistent in your SEO efforts, and continue to refine your strategy based on data and insights gained over time.

Remember, receiving seemingly irrelevant keyword recommendations is a common challenge, especially for newer or less-established websites. By optimizing your content, conducting targeted keyword research, and monitoring performance, you can improve the relevance of the keywords you target and increase your chances of success in organic search.

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