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How to bulk import keywords with a group
How to bulk import keywords with a group

Discover how to streamline keyword management in Wincher by assigning groups for effective SEO tracking

Tomás Nápoles avatar
Written by Tomás Nápoles
Updated over a week ago

If you're looking to efficiently manage your keywords in Wincher by assigning them to specific groups during the import process or later on, follow these simple steps:

1. Navigate to Your Domain and Keyword Tab

Start by selecting one of your domains and visiting the keyword tab within Wincher.

2. Access the Keyword Import Tool

In the top right corner, click on "Add keywords" to access the keyword import tool.

3. Enter Keywords and Attach Groups

You'll find two text boxes. Enter the keywords you wish to add in the left box. To the right of each keyword, specify the group(s) you want to associate them with.

4. Bonus tip

If you want to assign a group to multiple keywords simultaneously, you can use a specific pattern. Follow this format:

Here's what each part represents:

"seo", "seo for agencies" and "seo for blogs" are the keywords you're importing.

"group 1" and "group 2" are the groups you want to assign to these keywords.

If a keyword belongs to multiple groups, separate each group using the "|" symbol.

By following these steps, you can efficiently import keywords into Wincher while organizing them into relevant groups, streamlining your SEO management process.

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