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How to publish with Wistia
Ted Schera avatar
Written by Ted Schera
Updated over a week ago

Publishing your Wipster videos to Wistia is a snap with our new Wistia integration. All you have to do is select the video you'd like to upload to the cloud from within the video and click the Wistia 'Publish' button, located next to the Share button and other integration buttons if you have any linked up. You can also publish from the main project screen by clicking the options menu to the video thumbnail and selecting 'Publish to Wistia.' Just select the folder you wish to send it to (if you don't select a folder, it will create a new folder with the date uploaded for it), confirm the action and Wipster will immediately send the video directly to Wistia!

In order for this function to be available, you will need a Wistia account and the integration set-up properly. For more on how to set up the integration, click here.

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