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Slack Integration

Setting up Slack

Ted Schera avatar
Written by Ted Schera
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Wipster’s Slack integration is included in our Team, Multiteam, and Enterprise plans and allows you to receive updates in a Slack channel of your choice whenever activity occurs in your Wipster account. That means whenever an action is taken in Wipster by a team member or reviewer, you will get a notification on your Slack channel telling you in real-time. You will also have the option of what notifications will be posted in your Slack channel, giving you full control of what you want to be seeing or limiting notifications in an already busy channel.

Installing the Wipster App into your Slack Workspace

You'll need to have permission to install apps into your Slack Workspace, so check with your Slack Administrator if you're not sure of your access. You'll also need to be either an Admin or an Owner in your Wipster Team

If you don't have access, you can have your Slack Workspace owner perform the install be giving them the following link:

To install Wipster, follow the Wipster App installation URL and give us permission to install into your desired Slack Workspace

  1. Head to the Integrations Tab for your Wipster Team

  2. Press the Install Slack button

  3. Follow the on screen prompts to choose your desired Slack Workspace (if you have more than one) and approve the installation

  4. The Wipster app is now available in your Slack Workspace! Proceed to connect and configure it to your Wipster teams (see section below)

Linking your Slack Workspace to a Wipster Team

You'll need to have Admin or Owner access to your Wipster Team

 Use the link command to connect Wipster to your Slack App.

  1. From Wipster navigate to your top level 'Projects' folder in the screen and copy the URL

  2. From Slack, choose any Slack Channel (it doesn't matter which one, this step is just letting Slack and Wipster talk to each other) and run the following command:
    /wipster link [URL containing your Wipster TeamId number]
    e.g. /wipster link
    Note: You can also link by providing the TeamId directly e.g. /wipster link 123456

  3. Confirm via the Slack dialogue that you are authorizing Wipster to communicate with Slack

  4. Confirm via the Wipster dialog that your are connecting your specified Wipster team to Slack.

Your Wipster team is now connected to Slack and you can proceed to connect specific projects and configure your notification settings.

Using Wipster in a Private Slack Channel? You must add the Integration to the Channel

If you're connecting Wipster to a private Slack channel, you must manually add the Wipster integration to that channel.

Once you've selected "Edit Settings", then go to the Integrations tab as shown below. Under the 'Apps' heading, click "Add an App" to select and add Wipster.

Connecting Wipster Projects to Slack Channels

Note: If you wish to connect Wipster App to a Private channel you will also need to add the Integration to the channel (see above)

Now you have the two apps connected you can control which of your Wipster Projects will send events to Slack and to which Channels. You do this using the subscribe command.

Connect all Projects to a Slack Channel

The simplest setup option is to connect all you Team’s Wipster Projects to a single Slack Channel.

  1. From Wipster navigate to your top level ‘Projects’ folder in the screen and copy the URL

  2. From Slack go to the channel you wish to receive events from that Project and type:
    /wipster subscribe [URL containing the Wipster TeamId number]

    e.g. /wipster subscribe

    Note: You can also subscribe by providing the TeamId directly

    e.g. /wipster subscribe 123456

Connect a specific Project Folder to a Slack Channel

If you’d rather have separate Slack channels for specific Projects you can do that too.

  1. From Wipster navigate to the ‘Projects’ folder you wish to connect and copy the URL

  2. From Slack go to the channel you wish to receive events from that Project and type:
    /wipster subscribe [URL containing the Wipster FolderId number]

    e.g. /wipster subscribe

    Note: Any subfolders under the one specified will also be included.

    Note: You can also subscribe by providing the FolderId directly

    e.g. /wipster subscribe 9876543

Configuring Notifications

Please note: the latest version of our Slack integration is a work in progress. Some of the below notification options are not yet available, but will be coming soon. Any notifications not yet included in the integration are marked with an asterisk (*).

By default, a Slack channel will receive notification of all supported Wipster Event types

  • A media asset has been uploaded
    This toggle handles all notifications for any version that's uploaded or imported. These are the notifications contained in that bracket:
    - A new video or image has been uploaded
    - A new version of a video or image has been uploaded

  • *A media asset has been downloaded
    This toggle handles notifications for any video or image that is downloaded by either a non-authenticated reviewer or a team member.

  • *A media asset has been viewed
    This triggers whenever a team member or an invited reviewer views a video or image.

  • A media asset has been shared
    Created when someone shares a video or image via email. This is not applicable to creating shareable links.

  • A comment has been made
    Encompasses any kind of comment activity (comments, replies, public, team only). 

  • *A media asset has been approved
    Occurs when anyone who has been asked to approve clicks the approval button, when anyone who has previously approved a video or image revokes that approval, and when it gets 100% approval from everyone who has asked for it.

  • *A to-do item has been completed
    Triggers when you or a team member completes or un-completes a to-do item on the video or image.

If you wish to limit the notification types received by a channel, use the options command.

  1. From Wipster, navigate to the ‘Projects’ folder you wish to connect and copy the URL

  2. From Slack go to the channel you wish to control and type:
    /wipster options [URL containing the Wipster TeamId number]

    e.g. /wipster options

    Note: You can also get the summary by providing the TeamId directly

    e.g. /wipster options 123456

  3. A Dialog will open providing the ability to toggle individual notification types on and off

  4. Make your selection and choose ‘Save’

Note: The notifications you disable for Slack will not affect the Wipster notifications you receive (meaning if you disable comment notifications showing up in your Slack channel, you will still be able to see the notifications show up in Wipster).  

Viewing connected Wipster Projects

If you’re ever unsure about which Slack channels you have subscribed to Wipster projects you can get an overview of all active Subscriptions using the subscriptions command:

  1. From Wipster, navigate to your top level ‘Projects’ folder and copy the URL

  2. From Slack go to any channel and type:
    /wipster subscriptions [URL containing the Wipster TeamId number]

    e.g. /wipster subscriptions

    Note: You can also get the summary by providing the TeamId directly

    e.g. /wipster subscriptions 123456

You will be shown a list of all Slack Channels that receive data from Wipster and where that information is coming from.

Disconnecting Wipster Projects from Slack Channels

To stop receiving messages from Wipster into a specific Channel, use the unsubscribe command:

  1. From Wipster navigate to your top level ‘Projects’ folder in the screen and copy the URL

  2. From Slack go to the channel you wish to receive events from that Project and type simply navigate to that Slack channel and type:
    /wipster unsubscribe [URL containing the Wipster TeamId number]

    e.g. /wipster unsubscribe

Disabling the integration

To disconnect Wipster from Slack entirely, use the unlink command:

  1. From Wipster navigate to your top level ‘Projects’ folder in the screen and copy the URL

  2. From Slack go to the channel you wish to receive events from that Project and type simply navigate to that Slack channel and type:
    /wipster unlink [URL containing the Wipster TeamId number]

    e.g. /wipster unlink

  3. If you are an Administrator for your Slack account, you can also remove the Wipster integration via the Slack app Directory.

Problems with the Slack integration?

Please contact our support team directly either via our in-app help & support menu or by emailing us at

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