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Slack Integration

setting up slack

Ted Schera avatar
Written by Ted Schera
Updated over a week ago

Wipster’s Slack integration is included in all paid plans and allows you to receive updates in a Slack channel of your choice whenever activity occurs in your Wipster account. That means whenever an action is done in Wipster by a team member or reviewer, you will get a notification on your Slack channel telling you in real-time. You will also have the option of what notifications will be posted in your Slack channel, giving you full control of what you want to be seeing or limiting notifications in an already busy channel.

Connecting Slack with Wipster

Setting up is super easy. Follow these quick steps and get on your way to seamless creativity:

  1. Log in to your Wipster account.

  2. In the top-right corner of your project screen, choose ‘Account settings’ from the dropdown menu.

   3. Click 'Integrations', then select 'Enable integration' to Slack. You will need to be logged into Slack and your browser and have sufficient privileges to enable integrations for your Slack team. 

  4. A pop up will appear asking to allow the integration. Select ‘Allow' or 'Authorize'.

  5. Sign in to your team’s Slack account or create a new Slack account and click 'Authorize' or 'Allow'

  6. Click 'Configure Slack notification settings' and adjust the specific notifications you wish to have shown through Slack.


Configuring Notifications

Here are your options when configuring notifications:

  • A media asset has been uploaded
    This toggle handles all notifications for any version that's uploaded or imported. These are the notifications contained in that bracket:
    - A new video or image has been uploaded
    - A new version of a video or image has been uploaded
    - A video has been imported from Vimeo
    - A video or image has failed to upload

  • A media asset has been downloaded
    This toggle handles notifications for any video or image that is downloaded by either a non-authenticated reviewer or a team member.

  • A media asset has been viewed
    This triggers whenever a team member or an invited reviewer views a video or image.

  • A media asset has been shared
    Created when someone shares a video or image via email. This is not applicable to creating shareable links.

  • A comment has been made
    Encompasses any kind of comment activity (comments, replies, public, team only). 

  • A media asset has been approved
    Occurs when anyone who has been asked to approve clicks the approval button, when anyone who has previously approved a video or image revokes that approval, and when it gets 100% approval from everyone who has asked for it.

  • A media asset has been published
    Occurs when any team member publishes a video you're involved with to Vimeo.

  • A to-do item has been completed
    Triggers when you or a team member completes or un-completes a to-do item on the video or image.

Note: The notifications you disable for Slack will not affect the Wipster notifications you receive (meaning if you disable comment notifications showing up in your Slack channel, you will still be able to see the notifications show up in Wipster).  


Notification Troubleshooting

If Slack notifications have stopped working please disable the integration in your Account Settings and then re-enable it.

Note: You will need Admin access to this team to do this.


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