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Editing an Inventory Count

How to edit/adjust an inventory count if you miscounted or missed items

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over 9 months ago

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If you’ve submitted an inventory and made a mistake, you can go back into it and adjust the counts. It’s best to make any edits to an inventory not long after it was submitted so your count is accurate.

A history of all changes to the inventory are recorded in the timeline.

Note: Only edit a submitted inventory to fix counting mistakes. If you're taking a new full inventory count, start a new inventory instead. Each inventory count is a snapshot of the current stock at that time.

You can edit an inventory on both the mobile app and WISK Web Portal.

Mobile App

Note: You can only edit your four most recent inventory counts in the mobile app. If you need to edit an older inventory, use the WISK Web Portal.

Select an Inventory

Select the inventory that you need to edit:

  1. Tap “Inventories” along the bottom menu bar

    An arrow points to "Inventories" along the bottom menu bar.

  2. Tap “Inventories History”

    The "Inventories History" menu button is highlighted for emphasis.

  3. Tap an inventory on the Inventories History list

    The most recent inventory is highlighted, indicating it should be tapped.

Update Counts

The best method for editing an inventory depends on what you need to update.

  • If you need to make a number of changes to a specific area, going into that area is best (see By Area)

  • If there are specific items you need to update the counts for, adjust them from the "Inventory Review" screen (see By Item)

By Area

To edit one or more items in a specific area:

  1. Tap into an area

    The "Main Bar" area is highlighted indicating that it should be tapped.
  2. You can add new items to the area by using the scanner or search, or you can adjust the current counts by tapping “Review item counts”

    An arrow points to the "Review item counts" button
  3. You’re then on the "Current Scans" page. This shows you everything that was submitted in order in the area, and you can adjust the counts. You can scroll down or use the search bar to find the items you need to update

    This shows all the items that were counted in the area in the order they were submitted.

By Item

If you need to check and update the counts for items across all/multiple areas:

  1. Tap the "Review & submit inventory" button

    An arrow points to the "Review and submit inventory" button.
  2. This shows a summary of the total counts by item. Tap an item to see/edit the counts

    An item is highlighted indicated to tap it.

  3. The quantity counted in each area displays. Tap a specific area to see the breakdown of the count / make updates.

    An area is highlighted to indicate it should be tapped.

  4. In the selected area, it shows each submitted count. You can tap an existing submission to update the counts or the "+" button to add a new submission,

    An arrow points to the + button.

Update Item Quantities

Updating the quantity of an item works the exact same as when taking an inventory count.

Full Units

To adjust the number of full units, tap the “+” or “-” buttons beside an item

Partial Units

To adjust partial units, tap the item, and either select a new amount using the visual mode or place the item on the scale and tap "Confirm" when the new weight registers.

Deleting an Item

To delete an item, swipe it to the left and tap “Delete”

New Item

To add a new item, either scan the barcode or use the search.

Saving the Update

As you make changes in areas, the new counts save in real time. Adjust the counts for as many items as needed.

When you've finished making your changes, navigate back to the "Edit Inventory" screen that shows each area. You can back out of an area or the Inventory Review screen by tapping the back arrow on the top left of the screen.

A red arrow points to the "Back" arrow button in the area.

Note: You'll see that the "Saved" time for each area has updated to reflect when your latest changes occurred

The time the area was last saved updates to reflect that changes have been made to it.

Resending the Inventory Report

After making your final updates in the last area, you'll want to generate a new inventory report.

  1. On the inventory home screen, tap the "X" button to exit the inventory

    An arrow points to the "X" button on the top left corner.

  2. On the "Resend Reports" prompt, tap "Resend". This will send an updated copy of the inventory, consumption and variance reports to reflect the latest changes via email

    The "Resend" button is highlighted

    Note: if you don't resend the reports, you can download them from the WISK Web Portal at any time.

WISK Web Portal

Select an Inventory

Select the inventory count that you need to edit:

  1. Click Inventories > Inventories on the left-hand side menu bar

    "Inventories" on the left-hand side menu bar on the WISK Web Portal is highlighted.
  2. All of the venue's inventory counts display. Click the pencil icon or details button beside an inventory to edit it

    The details and pencil icons are highlighted.

Update Counts

The best method for editing an inventory on the WISK Web Portal depends on what you need to update.

  • If you need to make a number of changes to a specific area, going into that area is best (see By Area)

  • If there are specific items you need to update the counts for, adjust them from the "Details" screen (see By Item)

By Area

To edit the counts in a specific area:

  1. Click the pencil icon beside an inventory

    An arrow points to the "Edit" button beside the inventory.

    Note: Only your four most recent inventory counts have the pencil icon. For older inventory counts, see "By Item"

  2. Click the “Modify” button beside the area you need to edit a count

    An arrow points at the "Modify" button beside the "Stockroom" area.
  3. On the “Edit Inventory” screen, you’ll see everything that was counted in the area on the right-hand side under “Summary” in the order it was submitted

    The "Summary" section of the "Edit Inventory" screen is highlighted to draw attention to it.
  4. You can click the “...” beside an item to see all individual submissions of it in the area

    An arrow points at the "..." button beside an item (Pelee Island Shiraz Cabernet).

    Note: It displays the total count and each individual submission in that area. If you make an edit on this window, you'll need to click the check mark to save the new count.

    The "Inventory entries for item" screen for Pelee Island Shiraz Cabernet.
  5. Adjust, add, or delete counts as necessary

By Item

If you need to check and update the counts for items across all/multiple areas:

  1. Click the "Details" button beside an inventory

    An arrow points to the "Details" button beside the inventory count.
  2. This shows a summary of the total counts by item. You can scroll through the item list or use the search field to find specific items. Click the "Details" button beside an item to edit it

    An arrow points to the "Details" button beside the item in the inventory.

    Note: If you place your cursor over the stock count, it shows the breakdown by area of where the items were counted

    The "i" icon is highlighted for emphasis.

  3. If the item was counted in an area, a number displays beside the area name indicating the number of separate submissions of that item. You can expand an area to see the item count.

    The areas that contain a count for the item are underlined for emphasis.
  4. Adjust, add, or delete counts as necessary

Update Item Quantities

Updating the quantity of an item works the exact same as when taking an inventory count on the WISK Web Portal.

Full Units

To change the number of full units or cases, click into the field, and type the new amount.

Partial Units

To edit a partial unit, either drag the slider to the new amount if the item was counted with the visual mode or type the new weight (in grams) into the “Scale” field and it will update the volume remaining.

Adding an Item

To add an item, click the “Add inventory entry” button.

Deleting an Item

To delete an item, click the “X” button beside it.

Saving the Update

When you update a value on the WISK Web Portal, it saves automatically. Just click the “X” button on the top right corner when you have finished making your changes and the inventory is updated.

Resending the Inventory Report

Unlike the mobile app, you aren't prompted whether you want to resend reports after making edits. To send out updated copies of the reports:

  1. Click the "Details" icon beside the inventory

    An arrow points to the "Details" button beside the inventory count.

  2. Click the "Actions" menu, then "Email Reports (Inventory/Consumption/Variance)

    The "Actions" menu is highlighted and an arrow points to the "Email Reports" button.

    Note: You can also download a spreadsheet or PDF of the inventory report from this menu.

Edit History

When an inventory is edited, those changes are recorded in the venue's timeline. It displays:

  • The affected item and area where the change occurred

  • The user that made the change

  • The date and time the change was made

To view the inventory history:

  1. Click the "Details" button beside an inventory

    An arrow points to the "Details" button beside a completed inventory
  2. Click the "Timeline" tab

    An arrow points to the "Timeline" tab

  3. Anything that appears after the inventory approved line is a change after the count was submitted

    The highlighted changes are displayed in the timeline

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