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Event Search

Find any upcoming event by name or organizer right inside your dashboard

Joe Ahearn avatar
Written by Joe Ahearn
Updated over a week ago

Whether you're a Member looking for upcoming events you'll love, an Organizer looking up an event to edit, or an Attendee finding what's next, you can now Search for events in your Events Dashboard.

Just type in any word from an Event Name or Organizer into the search bar at the top of the Events Dashboard and you get a list of all the closest matches. From there:

Attendees can

  • See how many tickets you've purchased

  • Access your ticket PDF(s)

  • Visit the event to learn more

  • Purchase tickets or RSVP

Organizers can

  • Edit any events you're an organizer of

  • Learn more about performance with Event Reports

  • Manage the Attendee List with mobile check-in

To learn more about your Dashboard, see the full list of features here:

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