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Exporting members

Exporting members from Withfriends to integrate with platforms that can’t access your Shopify customer data via the app store.

Kunal Gupta avatar
Written by Kunal Gupta
Updated over a week ago

From Shopify Admin:

To export your members, first visit Withfriends in your Shopify App admin, and click Advanced Options.

Then click Member Management > Export Members

From Withfriends:

To export your members, first visit your organizer dashboard:<organization_url>/dashboard

Then go to Dashboard >  Memberships > Member Management > Export Members 

This will download a comprehensive list of all of your supporters - both active and inactive recurring members, as well as one-time supporters who use our tips or donations features.

Column name definitions

Here are the most useful column name definitions.


Member ID identifies the member, and never changes for this member.

Membership ID identifies the membership. When a member upgrades, downgrades, or buys a new membership, there will be a new Membership ID.

Order ID identifies the specific order ID on Withfriends during which the member purchased this membership. When a member upgrades, downgrades, or buys a new membership, there will be a new Order ID. An order might contain products in addition to the membership. If you're using an e-commerce integration like Shopify, Square, or Eventbrite, note that this order ID is a different number than the one on your e-commerce platform.

Membership Kind 

Live means people can purchase them now.  
Retired means people purchased them, but they're not available in public anymore. *Legacy means that you imported them using our beta Honorary Memberships feature and they are not paying members on Withfriends.

Membership Period 

Month/Year means they are recurring paying members.  
*One-Time means they contributed once.

*Blank means they never contributed via Withfriends, but were imported via our beta Honorary Memberships feature.


Recurring means this membership is currently recurring.
Expired means that the membership end date is in the past, and they are not active.

Set to Expire means that they have canceled their membership, but they are in their final period and it ends in the future.


Direct means they visited your membership page and became a member.
*Ticketing Upsell means that they converted into a supporter while buying a ticket.

*Honorary memberships, one-time contributions, and selling event tickets are beta features that may not be enabled by default. Please contact if you'd like to use these features.

**Conversion undercounts ticketing upsells in the instance that a member converted via an email offer following a ticket purchase, so some Directs are actually ticketing upsells. This is a known issue. 


The combination of members marked with the Status: Recurring and Status: Set to Expire are your currently active members.  Most will be Membership Kind: Live, and some may be Membership Kind: Retired - the latter are members of "grandfathered" tiers that you no longer offer.

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