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Understanding the Pause Discount
Understanding the Pause Discount

Ensuring Fair Value for Paused Memberships

Kunal Gupta avatar
Written by Kunal Gupta
Updated over a week ago

What is the Pause Discount?

At Withfriends, we believe in fairness and flexibility. That's why we've introduced the Pause Discount - a feature that prorates your members' payments when they pause their membership.

How Does It Work?

When a member pauses their subscription, we calculate the value of the services they've paid for but won't receive during the pause. This amount is then credited back to them as a discount on their next payment. It's our way of ensuring that your members always get exactly what they pay for.

Real-Life Examples:

  1. Weekly Shipments Scenario:

    • A member pays $100 on August 1st for weekly shipments.

    • They receive one shipment worth $25 and pause on August 5th, resuming on September 15th.

    • Upon resuming, their next charge (on the unpause date) will be only $25, thanks to a Pause Discount of $75.

  2. Monthly Shipments Scenario:

    • A member pays $100 on August 5th for their next shipment scheduled on September 1st.

    • They pause on August 6th and resume on September 15th.

    • Upon resuming, they won’t pay anything for the next month's shipment, as the Pause Discount of $100 covers it. Their August 5th payment will be applied to the October 1st shipment.

Why This Matters:

This system ensures your members feel valued and fairly treated, especially when life's unpredictability calls for a pause in their subscription. It's a win-win: members appreciate the flexibility and fairness, boosting their loyalty and trust in your service.

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