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User Roles and Permissions

This article reviews what different roles do within an organization and a group

Peter Court avatar
Written by Peter Court
Updated over 9 months ago

When you add a new user, it’s essential to assign them a role that determines their permissions on the platform. You can update a user’s role anytime by following these steps:

1. Navigate to the Users page (under Audience) in the Admin Portal.

2. Click “View” next to the user’s name you want to edit.

3. Use the dropdown menu to change their permissions.

4. Click “Save” to apply the changes.

Here’s an overview of the different roles and their associated permissions:

Organization Roles

Staff Admins

• Full access to all features and settings in the Admin Portal.

• Can preview draft content within their own application.

Group Admin's

• Access to group-admin content, including exclusive plans and specific steps within plans marked “for group admins only.”

• Can add or remove members from the group.

• Can initiate plans for the entire group.


• Can join groups, view publicly available content, and participate in discussions.

By understanding and utilizing these roles, you can ensure that users have the appropriate level of access and functionality on the platform.

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