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OEA-Sending bulk emails to students in Genius
OEA-Sending bulk emails to students in Genius

This article shows OEAs how to send bulk emails to students in Genius using either the Students link or the Enrollments link

Sue Soltis avatar
Written by Sue Soltis
Updated over 8 months ago

There may be times when you want to send an email to numerous students at the same time. There are two methods in eAcademy™ Genius to accomplish this task. The search criteria and options for each method varies, so you will want to use the method that works best for you.

Click the links (bookmarks) below to navigate to the step-by-step directions.

The search criteria you may want to select include Status, Currently Enrolled, Grade Level, or Course. From the results, you are able to select specific students when sending your bulk email.

The search criteria you may want to select include Course, Teacher, or Grade Level. From the results, you are NOT able to select specific students when sending your bulk email. All students who meet the criteria you selected will receive the email; this will include Active, Dropped, Dropped_Grace, and Completed students.

Method 1: Using the Students link to send bulk emails

After logging into eAcademy™ Genius, click Students from the top menu bar.

Click Bulk Emails from the left navigation menu.

Search criteria: If desired, select criteria to limit your results.

Please note: If you want to limit the student list to currently enrolled students, then select Yes next to Currently Enrolled.

Click Get Data after selecting your criteria.

Select the check box next to the students you want to include in your email.

Scroll to the bottom of the student list and click Bulk Email.

Template: If desired, choose a template and make any edits. Otherwise, you can skip this selection and create your own email.

Subject: If you select a template, the subject line will fill in automatically. If you did not select a template, enter the email’s subject.

Attachment: If desired, include an attachment to your email.

Determine who you want to receive the email.

~ Guardian: Parent or Guardian listed on the student’s account

~ Affiliation: Main Online Education Advisor (OEA) at student’s school district

~ Academic Director: Lori Andrews (previously Rebecca Henderson)

~ Dont copy student: You can choose to not copy the student.

Body: If you selected a template, you can edit the body of the email. Otherwise, type out your message. Use the editing toolbar to make changes to the font, add bullets, or add a hyperlink.

Select variable…: As you construct your email, you can insert a variable from the drop-down list, if desired. For example, under Student Info, select [FIRST_NAME] to automatically insert the student’s first name.

Sample: Click Update Sample to see an email sample that will be sent out. Make any edits as needed and click Update Sample to see your changes.

Pay attention to the text at the top of the page, Clicking on Send will send this email to the X students selected in the previous screen. If you don’t want to proceed, simply navigate to a different page without clicking Send.

If satisfied with your email, click Send at the top of the page.

To view the email afterwards, access one of your student’s accounts and click View communications.

Method 2: Using the Enrollments link to send bulk emails

CAUTION: When you use the Enrollments link and set criteria for bulk emails, the system currently includes students currently enrolled in courses, dropped from courses, and students who completed courses. This means that Active, Dropped, Dropped_Grace, and Completed students will receive the automatic email. This can be very confusing to students who have been dropped from any courses or completed any courses.

After logging into Genius, click Enrollments from the top menu bar.

Search criteria: Select the 2024/2025 Term so that you do not get results from previous school years.

Additional search criteria: If desired, select additional criteria to limit your results. Be careful not to select too many options or you may get zero results.

Click Get Data after selecting your criteria.

Click Emails from the left navigation menu.

Template: If desired, choose a template and make any edits. Otherwise, you can skip this selection and create your own email.


Subject: If you select a template, the subject line will fill in automatically. If you did not select a template, enter the email’s subject.

Attachment: If desired, include an attachment to your email.

Determine who you want to receive the email.

  1. Guardian: Parent or Guardian listed on the student’s account

  2. Affiliation: Main OEA at the student’s school district

  3. Academic Director: Lori Andrews (previously Rebecca Henderson)

  4. Coaches: School staff members who have been assigned to monitor the student’s account (e.g., special education teacher, school counselor, learning support teacher )

  5. Teacher: Teacher for the course

  6. Dont copy Student: You can choose to not copy the student.

  7. Send also to Student's Messages Inbox: Sends the email to the student's Messages Inbox in Genius

  8. Send one email per student: Select this option so that students only get one email instead of one email for EVERY course enrollment.

Body: If you selected a template, you can edit the body of the email. Otherwise, type out your message. Use the editing toolbar to make changes to the font, add bullets, or add a hyperlink.

Select variable…: As you construct your email, you can insert a variable from the drop-down list. For example, under Student Info, select [FIRST_NAME] to automatically insert the student’s first name.

Sample: Click Update Sample to see an email sample that will be sent out. Make any edits as needed and click Update Sample to see your changes.

Pay attention to the text at the top of the page, Clicking on Send will send this email to the X enrollments selected in the previous screen. If you don’t want to proceed, simply navigate to a different page without clicking Send.

If satisfied with your email, click Send at the top of the page.

To view the email afterwards, access one of your student’s accounts and click View communications.

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