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OEA-Editing a student's account in Genius
OEA-Editing a student's account in Genius

This articles shows OEAs how to edit a student's account in Genius to add required information

Sue Soltis avatar
Written by Sue Soltis
Updated over 3 years ago

For the majority of our schools, we automatically add your students to our student information system, Genius, through an Active Directory sync. The student information we import from your system includes the student’s first and last name, school district name, and email address.

As the Online Education Advisor (OEA), you are required to edit each active eAcademy™ student’s account and add all required information (all yellow-highlighted fields).

After logging into eAcademy™ Genius, locate the student’s account you need to edit.

From the left navigation menu under Main Information, click Edit Information.


  1. First Name: Verify the student’s first name. If incorrect, contact your technology department to make corrections.

  2. Last Name: Verify the student’s last name. If incorrect, contact your technology department to make corrections.

  3. Gender: From the drop-down menu, select the student’s gender.

  4. Date of Birth: The Date of Birth defaults to the date the student’s account was imported in Genius. Edit the student’s Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY).

  5. Affiliation: The affiliation will default to your school district. Do not select a Secondary Affiliation.

  6. Notes: If the student has a GIEP, IEP, or 504 Plan, enter the case manager’s name and contact information. You can also enter any information in the Notes section that would be helpful to coaches and teachers.

After you save your edits, the Notes will appear like a post-in note in the student’s account and will be visible to you, coaches, and teachers.


  1. Street: Enter the student’s home street address.

  2. City: Enter the student’s city.

  3. State: From the drop-down menu, select the student’s state.

  4. ZIP: Enter the student’s zip code.

  5. Email/UserName: Verify the student’s email address, which will be the student’s username in Genius. If incorrect, contact your technology department to make corrections.

  6. Phone: Enter the student’s phone number.

  7. Race: From the drop-down menu, select the student’s race.

  8. Hispanic: From the drop-down menu, select Unknown, Yes, or No.


  1. Status: The Status defaults to ACTIVE.

  2. Grade Level: From the drop-down menu, select the student’s grade level.

  3. School: From the drop-down menu, select WIU eAcademy.

  4. PASecureID: Enter the student’s PA Secure ID number.

GUARDIANS (You must enter at least one guardian, but may include up to two guardians in a student’s account.)

  1. Relationship: From the drop-down menu, select the relationship of the parent or guardian to the student.

  2. Last Name: Enter the parent or guardian’s last name. NOTE: The Last Name field appears above the First Name field.

  3. First Name: Enter the parent or guardian’s first name.

  4. Email: Enter the parent or guardian’s email address.

  5. Phone: Enter the parent or guardian’s phone number.


  1. SPED, Free/Reduced Lunch, ELL, Gifted, Title I: From the drop-down menus, select Unknown, Yes, or No.

  2. LEP, Economic Disadv., IEP, Section 504: From the drop-down menus, select Unknown, Yes, or No.

  3. Click Save to save all your changes to the student’s account.


If the student has a GIEP, IEP, or 504 Plan, click External Files from the left navigation menu and upload the applicable document.

Selecting Yes for SPED, Gifted, IEP, and/or Section 504 will place a flag at the top of the student’s account letting teachers know to check External Files for the associated document.

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