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OEA-Reviewing a student's account in Genius
OEA-Reviewing a student's account in Genius

This article shows Online Education Advisors (OEAs) how to review a student's account in Genius

Sue Soltis avatar
Written by Sue Soltis
Updated over 11 months ago

After logging into eAcademy Genius, locate the student’s account. At the top right of the page, enter the student’s name in the Search box, then click the student’s name to access the account. The student’s Main Page will appear.

Student’s Main Page - Basic Information

This section displays basic student information, such as name, gender, birth date, school, and email address.

Main Page - Academic Snapshot

This section displays a list of courses the student is enrolled in and includes the semester, teacher name, start date, current cumulative grade to date (this is not a quarter grade), number of assignments completed out of the total number of assignments, and date of last activity in the course.

  • Note about the LastActivity column: In the Academic Snapshot, only Accelerate Education (AE) courses display the date of last activity in the course.

  • Also note that AE course names DO NOT end with - SC, while Schoology course names do end with - SC.

Main Page - Recent Communications

This section displays a list of the most recent communication entries, including who contacted the student, when the communication took place, and what was discussed.

Main Page - Recent Activity

This section displays the student’s online activity level (in minutes) for the last 7 days.

NOTE: Only Accelerate Education (AE) courses will display the student’s activity level.

Other Main Information Pages

  • Dashboard: Displays the Watchlist, Teachers, Total Seats by Section, any notifications (e.g., uploaded IEPs, 504 plans, or messages), Enrollments by Grade, and Enrolled Students by Grade Level.

  • Edit Information: Allows users to edit and update the student’s profile. Required information includes items such as date of birth, grade level, home address, guardian/parent information, and special education status.

  • External Files: Displays any external files, such as IEPs or 504 plans, attached to the student profile.

  • View Calendar: Displays any events scheduled for a particular month. Clicking on an event displays the event details.

  • Request Assets: Allows users to request and return equipment (Laptop, MiFi).

  • Guardian Accounts: Allows users to create accounts for guardians and parents. This link is also visible to teachers who are only permitted to speak to authorized guardians/parents listed on a student’s account.

Historic Data

  • Student Log: Displays a list of enrollment events associated with the student.

  • View Transcript: Displays the unofficial transcript of any completed courses. For each completed course, the transcript shows the term, course name, final grade, and credits.

  • Transcript Analysis: Displays the student’s completed list of courses.

  • Logins: Displays by month the number of days the student logged into Genius.

Below is an example of a student’s Genius logins. The darker the green square, the more often the student logged into Genius on that date. Clicking a date displays the time of day the student logged in.

Here are the specific times the student logged into Genius on March 18, 2024.


  • View Communications: Displays a list of communications between the student and school staff and includes the user name, communication date, subject, and contents. Clicking the document icon in the left column opens up a window with detailed information about the communication entry.

  • Add Communication: Allows users to add an entry to the communication log. Users select a category and subject and then enter the content that needs to be recorded. For example, if a user calls the student or has an in-person meeting with the student, this can be manually added to the communication log.


  • Current Enrollments: Displays student’s current enrollments including course name, start date, end date, current cumulative grade to date, assignments completed out of the total assignments, number of weeks in the course, teacher’s name, school, semester, and last activity (AE courses only). Users can drop courses and correct start and/or end dates, if needed.

  • Snapshot: Provides an “at-a-glance” view of the current academic status including enrollment dates, current cumulative grade to date, number of assignments completed out of the total assignments, pacing status, and last activity (AE courses only). This page also displays the status for the grade, pacing, number of 0’s, and course login activity.

  • Gradebook: Displays the course name, start date, end date, current cumulative grade to date, number of assignments completed out of the total assignments, course length, and teacher's name. Course details include assignment name, total possible points, earned points, and grade % for each course.

  • Student Activity: Displays the approximate number of minutes and percentage of time the student spent on each course for AE courses only.

  • Activity Heatmap: Displays assignments completed on a given day as well as the number of logged minutes for each course for AE courses only.

  • Enrollment History: Displays the student’s active, completed, and dropped courses.

Current Enrollments example

The information is similar to what is viewable on the Main Page under Academic Snapshot and gives a bit more information. Remember that the Grade is the current cumulative grade to date and not a quarter grade.

Academic Snapshot example

Gradebook example

Click the radio button next to a course name to view the teacher’s name and email address along with the assignment names and grades. Remember that the Grade is the current cumulative grade to date and not a quarter grade.

Student Activity example (for AE courses only)

Activity Heatmap example (for AE courses only)

Clicking a date displays any assignments completed and the times the student logged in. The darker the green square, the more often the student accessed the course on that date.

Here are the assignments completed and specific times the student logged into Buzz on March 15, 2024. Buzz is the platform where AE courses are located.


  • Enroll in Section: Allows users to enroll the student in courses.

  • Send Email: Within Genius, users can send emails to students and can select multiple recipients including the student’s guardian and main Online Education Advisor (also called Affiliation).

  • Associate to Coach: Displays any coaches and guardians associated to the student. Coaches are school staff members assigned to monitor a student’s progress in eAcademy.

  • Flags: Users can associate a flag to a student’s account. Select either Med Excuse or Act 16 to place the flag at the top of the student’s account. Act 16 identifies a student who was a senior the prior school year and needs to continue completing coursework.

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