Note: If you own your own home (primary residence), then there are two accounts to input into WizeFi–your mortgage and your asset. Your mortgage is the debt you own on your home. As you pay your mortgage, you're technically buying equity in your home, slowly working towards owning 100% of your primary residence. Therefore your house has two accounts.
Instructions for adding a primary residence mortgage account and a primary residence asset account (after setup phase):
Click "Plan" from the menu.
Click the green word labeled "Accounts" in the upper right corner of your screen.
Choose the tab labeled "Liabilities"
Click "Add Liabilities Account"
Choose "Primary Residence" from the drop-down menu
Enter your information into all fields and click OK.
Choose the tab labeled "Assets"
Click "Add Assets Account"
Choose "Primary Residence" from the drop-down menu
Enter your information into all fields and click OK.
Click the x in the upper right of the accounts pop-up box.
Important: Your mortgage minimum payment is now being displayed as read-only under the housing category of your budget. Any extra money you contribute to your mortgage is located under step 2 of your 4 step plan. You can edit your mortgage account under step 2 in your 4 step plan or in the accounts panels.