Discovered some new ways to reduce your monthly spending? Great! In this tutorial, you'll learn how to modify your budget to see up more money and accelerate your path to FI.
Log into WizeFi using this link
Click on the Plan page on the left and make sure you're on the Expenses tab.
Switch to Planning mode using the toggle. Here, you'll be able to see the WizeFi's guideline, your last month's spending, and your planned spending. You can also see the amount of FI dollars your have available based on your budget.
Click the drop down next to the budget item you wish to update and enter the new budget amount in the subcategory. In this case, we'll be modifying the monthly rent budget.
Click "Save Changes" when you're happy with the new budget.
And that's it! Congratulations on modifying your budget. Onward to FI! :)