Workgroups DaVinci includes an optional Financial Module that allows you to:
Track Time and other Job Charges
Create Job Estimates & Send out Quotes
Send Invoices to Customers
Run Financial Reports
Let's look briefly at each of these features:
Tracking Time and other Job Charges
There are real costs associated with all of the work that you do and Workgroups DaVinci allows users to capture these costs throughout the Job process.
On each job, time and materials can be charged to the current activity in process. This can be done via the Job Record or the To Do widget.
Job Record
To Do widget
Job Charges can also be added to the Job outside of an activity. This is done on the Job Record.
The nature of these charges are defined by the system administrator. For example, you could charge time for Copywriting, Design, Administrative Work, etc.
You can also add previously configured materials to jobs via Job Charges.
When adding Job Charges at the Activity or Job level, a drop-down list of available charges is available to select from.
Once you have added charges to a Job, you can easily view all related charges from within the Job Charge entry box...
Tracking Job Charges in Workgroups DaVinci helps your team to identify how much time you are spending on jobs, and to budget, plan and bill accordingly.
We are currently in the process of creating additional articles on this feature of the tool and will add them as they become available.
For additional information on Setting Up and Tracking Job Charges in Workgroups DaVinci, please contact
Creating Job Estimates and Sending Out Job Quotes
In addition to tracking Job Costs, Workgroups DaVinci allows you to create Internal Estimates and Customer Quotes from within the Workgroups system.
You can create estimates from your estimates widget and/or from the estimates section of your Job Ticket (if applicable)
The estimate is an internal list of activities and materials for any given job. Creating an estimate allows you to estimate hours and costs for jobs.
The Job Quote is created from the Job Estimate and can be provided to an internal or external customer. This Quote can contain all or part of the estimate, or it can be created using Job Items.
For example, if you are estimating 3 hours of Copywriting and 4 hours of Design for a Brochure, you may choose to copy those costs directly to the quote, or you may instead quote project pricing for the Brochure.
We are currently in the process of creating additional articles on estimates within Workgroups DaVinci and will add them as they become available.
For additional information on Creating Estimates, please contact
Invoices to Customers
If your team bills out for jobs, use Workgroups DaVinci to create your invoices.
In Workgroups DaVinci you can also create partial and full invoices for each job.
We are currently in the process of creating additional articles on Invoicing within Workgroups DaVinci and will add them as they become available.
For additional information on Creating Estimates, please contact
Financial Reports
Workgroups has several financial reports available that allow you to track hours and costs by employee, job, customer, etc.
Employees with appropriate credentials are able to access these reports via the Analysis tab in the Workgroups DaVinci Web Portal.
We are currently in the process of creating additional articles on Workgroups DaVinci Financial Reporting and will add them as they become available.
For additional information on Reports, please contact