Portal users will receive recurring emails (designated by the available options in their Preferences), that list out the proofs they are assigned to review through the proofing tool. This reminder email can be sent daily, weekly, every workday, or never, depending on the user. From this reminder email, the user can click directly on a proof, which will open in a web browser for them to review.
Users will receive a notification email similar to the one pictured below
From the email, they can click 'Review' to open the desired proof in a web browser. They can then annotate and make a decision on the proof
In order to designate when and how frequently they want to receive their emails, the user should navigate to their 'Preferences' within the web portal
Navigate to the Application Behavior section to modify the frequency preferences
Select Daily, Never, Weekly, or Every Workday next to 'Send Periodic Reminder'
You can then designate a time and day
Click 'Save' in the upper right-hand corner of the page and the changes will be retained