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Adding Job Charges
Jared avatar
Written by Jared
Updated over a week ago

In order to track labor, materials, or miscellaneous other tasks on a Job, they need to be entered as Job Charges. These charges can then be aggregated for the purpose of invoicing, reporting, etc.

  • Open the Job from your Jobs or ToDo widget

  • Click on the Time Clock in the Upper Left Corner of the window

  • Click on the calendar to add the relevant date for the Charge (system default is current day)

  • Click the dropdown arrow to select the relevant Task or Material from your charges list

  • Define your Work Classification: Billable = Charges that will be billed to the customer; Non-Billable = Overhead or Charges not directly passed to the customer; House Error = Charges due to an internal error/issue; and Customer Alteration = Change Order, Scope Change of the Job, etc.

  • Enter the Hours, Minutes or other unit of measure for the Task or Material

  • Add any relevant notes about the charge

  • Click “Record Charge” button to record the charge


If you're following the training plan, please proceed to: Entering Charges at the 'Activity' Level.

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