Often there is a need to view the charges that have been added to a Job. A convenient way to view them is to click 'List Charges':
However, permissions will need to be adjusted if users receive this notice upon clicking 'List Charges':
As the system administrator, you will need to decide who should have visibility to charges: all desktop users or only some desktop users (ie. groups, roles, or individual users)? In the following example, we will adjust the permissions for All Users of the desktop application.
Navigate to the web portal using the 'Administrator' account:
Click on 'Administration':
Select 'Permissions' and search for 'All Users':
In 'Operations > Job Charges', select 'View', 'Create', and 'Modify'
In 'Jobs > Job Charges Report', select 'Use'
Click 'Save' to retain changes
Now the report should load when 'List Charges' is clicked: