The To Do Widget serves as a one-stop resource for displaying all current activities that are assigned to you.
You can learn more about the To Do Widget by reading below and by watching the brief video at the end of this article.
This widget will display activities that are assigned to you, but only those activities that are ready to start
If you wish to see activities that are assigned to you, but not ready to start (known as 'Upcoming' activities), you can check the 'Include Upcoming' box:
The 'Upcoming' activities will then appear
In addition, there are some additional features to the To Do Widget:
Activity Details: click on the activity name to bring up the activity details window
Job/Project/Campaign Record: you can open the parent record of the activity by clicking on the parent name
Activity Effort Level: the effort associated to the activity is displayed (4 hours in this example)
Activity Charge Out Progress: the ratio of charged time on the activity to activity effort (after entering a 3 hour charge on the activity, we see 75% = 3/4)
Activity Action: contextual button that displays suggested action, such as: Finish (Production Activities); Review (Approval Activities); Approve (Requests)
Here is a short video that also details some features of the To Do Widget.