The Projects Widget is designed to organize information for Projects that are relevant to you. Below is an explanation of the Projects widget, as well as a brief tutorial video.
This widget filters Projects depending on which tab is selected, of which there are five: ToDo, Assigned, Drafts, All, and Favorites:
ToDo = Projects where a current activity on the project schedule is assigned to you
Assigned = Projects where a current activity, completed activity, or upcoming activity is assigned to you
Drafts = Projects you have created (by clicking 'New Project') that have been saved, but not yet submitted
Favorites = Projects on which you have clicked the 'star' icon:
Summary View
Key Project Information is displayed in 'Summary View':
Clicking here will open the full record:
Full View
Additional Project Information is displayed in 'Full View':
Project Number and Project Name (ie. 3032 - Visibility Test)
Project Type (ie. Contest)
Project Manager
Due Date
Current Activity (ie. Universal Brief Due), Assignee (ie. Jane Smith)
There are also quick link action buttons allowing you to open the Project Ticket ('Open'), Project Schedule ('Schedule'), Route, and Reassign
Here is a brief tutorial video on the Projects Widget: