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The 'Projects' Widget
Written by Don
Updated over a week ago

The Projects Widget is designed to organize information for Projects that are relevant to you. Below is an explanation of the Projects widget, as well as a brief tutorial video.

This widget filters Projects depending on which tab is selected, of which there are five: ToDo, Assigned, Drafts, All, and Favorites:

  • ToDo = Projects where a current activity on the project schedule is assigned to you

  • Assigned = Projects where a current activity, completed activity, or upcoming activity is assigned to you

  • Drafts = Projects you have created (by clicking 'New Project') that have been saved, but not yet submitted

  • Favorites = Projects on which you have clicked the 'star' icon:

Summary View

Key Project Information is displayed in 'Summary View':

Clicking here will open the full record:

Full View

Additional Project Information is displayed in 'Full View':


  • Project Number and Project Name (ie. 3032 - Visibility Test)

  • Project Type (ie. Contest)

  • Project Manager

  • Status

  • Due Date

  • Current Activity (ie. Universal Brief Due), Assignee (ie. Jane Smith)

  • There are also quick link action buttons allowing you to open the Project Ticket ('Open'), Project Schedule ('Schedule'), Route, and Reassign

Here is a brief tutorial video on the Projects Widget:

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