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Locating Information through Finds
Locating Information through Finds
Written by Don
Updated over a week ago
  • Finds can be used to locate (or 'Find') information within the Workgroups Database

  • A particular Find typically only searches within its own database element (a.k.a. 'Type'). For example, running a Find within the Jobs type would allow you to locate information stored on the Job level (a.k.a. Jobs Type)

  • Each user can create and save Finds local to their user profile, allowing them to quickly return to predetermined Finds in the future (there is no need to recreate the Find every time it's run, as long as the Find is Saved)

  • To create a Find, navigate to Find > New Find in the upper application menu

  • Navigate to the Type that you wish to run the Find within (Jobs, in this example)

  • Select the form that you wish to use for display purposes (Job Ticket, in this example)

  • Now we can determine the parameters of our Find. By default, a parameter appears (Job Number in this case), however we can change it to other parameters that exist in the Type

  • Once appropriate search parameters have been defined, click 'Search' in the upper right to load the results of the Find

  • NOTE: You can also click the Arrow in the Text Box to gain more options.

  • There are two views that exist for viewing Find results: Form View and List View

  • Form View displays a find result based on the form you selected (Job Ticket for example)

  • On the other hand, you may wish to view the find result in a table format - this is known as List View

  • List View also provides to option to control which columns appear by clicking here

  • Unchecking/Checking any boxes will cause those fields to disappear/appear (upon clicking 'Save')

  • If you wish to Save the Find for future use, you can click 'Save' in the upper right

  • This will present a popup, requiring a name for the Find and a location (typical practice is to place it in the Finds menu as shown)

  • When the next opportunity to use it arises, it will be found in that location (for example, here):

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