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All CollectionsDesktop UsersWorkflow - Schedule
Job Schedule: Overview & Navigation
Job Schedule: Overview & Navigation
Written by Don
Updated over a week ago

The Job Schedule is part of the Job Record, and in it, is contained Job Activities, Role Assignments, Due Dates and Projections.accessed by clicking on the "Schedule" tab.

  • To access, click on the "Schedule" tab in the Job Record

  • Here is the schedule template used to create the Job Schedule.

  • The calendar used for scheduling is underneath the Template.

  • Next are the Schedule Plan Dates (Translation = Job Due Date and Start Date)  
    - Green = projected on time or ahead of schedule,
    - Red = projected to complete late

  • Schedule status is here

  • If this box is checked, the Job will auto-complete once all activities in the schedule are finished.  If     unchecked, you will need to manually complete/finish the job.

  • Roles Assignments show here.  The users responsible for filling roles on a job will show as well.

  • Here are the Activities in the schedule

  • Here is the Activity number

  • The activity "status" shows here. (checkmark=complete, green w/arrow=active, grey=upcoming, X=canceled, down arrow=skipped)

  • Activity Name

  • If the Activity is an approval activity, a circle or button will show here.
    - Approval activities are activities where a proof is being reviewed, annotated and
      Approved or Rejected.
    - This button will turn Green once "Approved," Red if "Rejected" or Orange if "Approved with      
      Changes."Here you see the Plan Start and Due Dates for each activity.

  • Duration (amount of time scheduled to complete the activity)

  • Plan Start and Plan Due dates for the activity.  (These dates are created by the system using the Job Due Date, the Schedule and the Durations of each activity)

  • Finish Date = the date the activity actually completes (in black) or the date the system projects the     activity will complete (gray).

  • The Roles, User(s) or Resource assigned to the activity show here.

  • Click on the activity and look below to see all of the activity details including the triggers for that activity, and any advanced routing. Advanced routing is handled by your administrators. Please contact them with questions or changes.

  • Finally, you can also review your schedule in Gantt Chart format and review the Workflow Log (useful for auditing/record keeping purposes).

If you're following the training plan, please proceed to: Routing, Activating, & Reactivating Activities.

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