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The Resource Availability Widget
Written by Don
Updated over a week ago

In Workgroups DaVinci, you can use the Resource Availability widget to see the projected workload of you and/or your team. Let's learn how.

  • Open the Widget by clicking Workflow on the Toolbar and then the Production Reports dashboard.

  • If the Widget is not already on the dashboard, add it by clicking Add Widget in the top right of the page.  Then select Resource Availability in the menu.

  • Now you will see the Resource Availability widget for yourself.  To add other users, click the magnifying glass next to your name and select the appropriate users you wish to review.

  • Now, you will see a week-to-week email with the projected hours for each user.

  • Use the Arrows next to week to move forward or backward.

  • To dig deeper into a day, click on the hours and this will open the list of projected activities for that user, as well as the job to which the activities relate.

  • You can even click on the Job and Activity information to see additional information.

  • Finally, you are able to add PTO/Vacation days to users by clicking the minus sign and entering in the absence information.

If you're following the training plan, please proceed to: The 'Reports' Widget.

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