Many Workgroups users really appreciate the Financial features.
Workgroups Davinci allows you to manage and track Job Charges, Time Tracking, Job Estimating and even Invoicing.
While each of these tools is available to you, the most critical item most of our clients use financials for is to track hours and purchases on Jobs.
In this session, we will learn how to:
Understand & Create Job Departments, Cost Centers, and Charges
Set users up so they can track their time and add charges to Jobs and Activities
How to identify Making custom queries (Finds)
Let's go:
As stated above, many users want to use Workgroups DaVinci to track Job Charges and Labor Hours on a Job by Job Basis.
By default
e system has a generic "Labor" charge you can use. But, what if you want to go further than that? You want to capture hours/charges or even resources like rooms, gallons, etc. that are more descriptive: Copywriting, Design, Editing, Administrative, Executive Consulting, gallons of paint, etc.
To do this, you will need to:
Understand and Create Job Charges (Tasks & Materials)
Enable Users to view and track Job Charges
Then, its time to learn how to:
- Add Charges to a Job
- Add Charges to a Job at the Workflow Activity level
Once you've reviewed the above, here is your Homework:
Create a Department, Cost Center and relevant Job Charges
Set-Up your creative users to be able to add Job Charges
Run test Job, Add Charges and view Charges list.Projects and Requests.