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Job Seekers
Wanting to live the Australian dream? Everything you need to know on Visa's, Travel, Employment and Life in Australia
22 articles
Available Visa's for Job SeekersVisa information to come to Australia
Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist)This VISA is for highly specialised individuals.
Highly Skilled (Independent)This article and links will provide candidates the necessary information regarding the highly skilled (Independent) VISA scheme
Highly Skilled (Employer Supported)This article and links will provide candidates the necessary information regarding the highly skilled VISA scheme
Work Holiday VISAThese VISA's allow you to live, work and travel in Australia.
Study VISAA student VISA allows students the opportunity to study and work in Australia for up to 5 years.
VISA FAQ'sQuick tips
Sponsorship & Permanent Residency FAQ'sHelpful information