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Assign a Badge and Certificate to a Guide or SCORM

Employee Learning Cloud: Award certifications to your Learners for Guide or SCORM completion

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Assign a Badge and Certificate to a Guide

To assign a certificate to a Guide, click on the Guide you would like to add a certificate to:

  1. Select the drop down arrow in the top right-hand corner

  2. Click Edit Badge

  3. Check Award a badge on completion of this guide

  4. Select the appropriate certification

  5. Check any available Settings options

  6. Click Save

Badge Settings

When assigning a badge and certificate to a Guide, there are three setting options you can select from: 

  1. Require admin approval before badge is awarded

  2. Require manager approval before badge is awarded

  3. Require passing score (at least 75%) to receive badge

Note: The required passing score in option number three can be adjusted in a specific Guide's Test Settings

Awarding A Certificate

Once a Learner has completed their assigned Guide, they will receive the following message under their Guide Stats. 

Next, depending on the badge Settings, the designated Admin, Manager or both will receive an email similar to the one below prompting them to review the Learners completed Guide.

Once the link has been clicked on, the following screen will appear. To view questions in need of grading, click the Show Needs Review option first.  Then, select Click Here to award the badge and certificate. 

You will see the following message in green, notifying you that the badge and certificate have been successfully awarded to the appropriate Learner.

Lastly, the Learner will then receive an email will their printable certificate attached!

For steps to create a Badge and Certification, please see our article here

Assign a Badge to a SCORM

  1. Select the three-dot menu in the top right-hand corner

  2. Click Badge

  3. Check Award a badge on completion of this content

  4. Select the appropriate badge

  5. Click Save

Once a learner completes a SCORM, they will see the badge on their profile:

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