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Academy Analytics: Report Builder

Customer Learning Cloud: How to report on your Academy data

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Written by PM team
Updated over a month ago

In your Customer LMS, you can report on data for Trainings, Events, and Contacts

This article will cover functionality for the Report Builder for content (Trainings, Certifications, and Paths), Events and Contacts.

To learn about Data Visualizations for Academies, see our help article here.

Navigating to the Report Builder

Start by going into your Academy and clicking on the Analytics tab on the navigation bar.

Click on Reports.

Once you click on Reports, it will bring you to the Reports page. Any reports you have previously saved will be listed here. This page shows the report title, creator, the last date the report was updated, an icon to indicate if the report has a schedule associated to it, and a three-dot menu for additional actions.

Clicking on the report title will take you to the report in the Report Builder.

Hovering over the scheduled icon will display a tooltip that shows the cadence in which the report is sent.

The three-dot menu contains options to edit the report title, duplicate the report, schedule the report, or delete the report.

Building a report

To create a new report, click the + Create Report button.

Next, select the type of report you would like to build from Trainings (Guide, Path, Certification, SCORM), Events, or Contacts.

Once you select the report type, you can use the left-side bar that has two tabs to add Filters and Columns.

Clicking on + Add Filter will pull up a menu of various user and content attributes that can be used to filter the data for that report type. Multiple filters can be selected and stacked to narrow down data sets within each report.

Trainings Report Filters:

Events Report Filters:

Contacts Report Filters:

Clicking on the Columns tab will allow you to select which columns will be displayed once the report is built.

Trainings Report Columns:

Events Report Columns:

Contacts Report Columns:

Note: On the Trainings Report, you can filter by 'Content Type' and select the type of content you'd like the run a report:

Clicking Run Report will generate a report based on the selected filters and columns. These results can be exported by clicking Export.

These results can also be saved to the Reports page. After you've added your desired filters and columns, you can change the name of your report by clicking on the title, then click Save. There will be an "Unsaved Changes" indicator next to the title until you click the Save button.

The three-dot menu next to Run Report has additional actions, including the ability to duplicate, schedule, and delete the report.

Once you save your report, it will be listed on the Reports page. Reports are listed in alphabetical order.

Scheduling Reports to be Emailed via CSV

You can view details of any existing reports that are set up to be sent out on a schedule, by clicking Scheduled Reports in the left-hand navigation of the Reports page.

The table shows the report title, the creator of the report, the last time the report was sent, the next time it will be sent, and has the same actions as the Reports page. An information/warning icon will be displayed if the last send was unsuccessful.

The three-dot menu contains the same actions as the Reports page (Edit Title, Duplicate, Schedule, Delete).

To create a new schedule, click Schedule from the three-dot menu on the Reports page, or the three-dot menu in the Report Builder.

This will open up a side-drawer, where you can select the cadence and recipients for the report.

Note that data is captured up to 2 hours before the report sends.

Schedules can also be edited or deleted once they are created by using the side-drawer. To edit, make any desired changes and click Save, and click Delete to delete a schedule.


  • Reports can be sent Daily, Weekly, or Monthly

  • Reports can be sent any day of the week

  • Reports can be scheduled on any 30-minute increment (i.e. 8:00am or 8:30am)

  • Reports can be scheduled within various timezones. The timezone will default to the timezone configured in your browser.


  • Reports can be sent to both internal and external recipients

    • Internal recipients can consist of WorkRamp Admins, Academy Admins, etc.

    • External recipients are any Contacts

    • All recipients have to have an active WorkRamp account

Scheduled Report email configuration

The email that is sent to recipients for scheduled reports can be configured via the global email settings. To access, navigate to Settings --> Emails and scroll to the Scheduled Reports section.

Click the edit icon to customize the look/feel/verbiage of the Scheduled Reports email.

Data Roll Ups in Reports:

Each report type will have aggregated data roll ups at the top of the report to make it easy to see important data for this report without exporting it.

Trainings Report:

Total Contacts: The total number of contacts included in this report (note this is different from the Contacts Report. Contacts are only included in the Trainings Report if they have at least one enrollment shown in this report).

Total Enrollments: The total number of enrollments included in this report. For example, if you have 1 contact enrolled in 4 trainings, they would show as 4 Enrollments in this report

Total Completed: The total number of completed enrollments in this report

Conversion Rate: The conversion from Enrolled to Completed shown in this report.

Events Report:

Total Registered: The total number of registrations included in this report

Total Attended: The total number of attendences included in this report

Attendence Rate: Percent of total attended compared to total registered

Contacts Report:

Total Contacts: All contacts in this Acadeym

Total Enrollments: The total number of enrollments included in this report. For example, if you have 1 contact enrolled in 4 trainings, they would show as 4 Enrollments in this report

Total Completed: The total number of completed enrollments in this report

Conversion Rate: The conversion from Enrolled to Completed shown in this report.


Q: Is the data in the Report Builder real-time?

A: The data is refreshed approximately every 30 minutes.

Q: When filters are stacked, is the report using AND or OR statements to filter the data?

A: When different filters are stacked, the Report Builder uses AND statements. If the same filters are stacked with different conditionals, the Report Builder uses OR statements.

Q: What content types are included in the Report Builder?

A: The Trainings Report includes Guides, SCORM, and Resources, as well as Certifications and Paths.

Q: How can I see what each of the filter/column types mean?

A: Please review our Data Dictionary for definitions on each filter and column option.

Q: Who can receive a report using the Scheduled functionality?

A: Any internal Academy Admins, and any Contacts who have an active account. Note that invited Contacts will not appear as a Recipient option until they finish registering.

Q: If I duplicate a report with a schedule tied to it, will it also duplicate the schedule?

A: No, it will only duplicate the report filters, columns, and title.

Q: If I use the three-dot menu from the Scheduled table, do those actions apply only to the schedule?

A: Those actions apply to the report itself. Editing + deleting a schedule, specifically, happens when those actions are taken from the scheduling side-drawer.

Q: When a user duplicates a report, and there’s a schedule associated to it, does it also duplicate the schedule?

A: No, only the title (with "Copy of" in front of it), the filters, and the columns.

Q: Can a Contact who is invited to an Academy, but has not fully registered, be sent a report?

A: No, they will not appear in the recipient list until they are fully registered.

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