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Can students have text read aloud?

Support learners with available text-to-speech options on your assignment.

Kelly Burnette avatar
Written by Kelly Burnette
Updated over a month ago

Once students are on the assignment writing screen they will see a speaker icon with a drop-down arrow located in the top right-hand corner of the screen. If you hover over the speaker icon, you will see 'Read-aloud options' displayed.

Click on the speaker icon to view the 'Read-aloud options' from the drop down menu. The 'Read-aloud options' include reading the assignment prompt, reading the student's writing, the reading passage if included, and reading the rubric attached to the assignment. If the assignment contains multiple sections, each section will also be listed as an option.

While the reading is in progress, the speaker icon will change to a pause icon. To pause the reading, click on the pause icon.

While the reading is paused, the pause icon will change back to a speaker icon. To resume the reading, click on the speaker icon and select 'Resume' from the drop down menu. The reading will continue from the point in which it was previously paused.

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