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How much faster are the new Xano instances?
How much faster are the new Xano instances?

Some quick tests regarding performance on the old Xano instances vs current

Chris Coleman avatar
Written by Chris Coleman
Updated over a week ago

Comparing Server Performance between Old and New on the Launch Plan

We conducted four simulated tests:

Test 1 - Add 14500 records

For our first test, we added 14,500 records to the database. The old server took 11.71 seconds to complete the task, while the new server took 7.58 seconds - an impressive 35% faster than the old server.

Test 2 - Query 43910 records

Our second test showed even more impressive results. We queried 43,910 records, and the old server took 7.998 seconds, while the new server took 4.078 seconds - 49% faster than the old server.

Test 3 - Load Test 10 users sending 10 requests querying 44k records

For our third test, we simulated 10 users sending 10 requests, each of which queried 44,000 records. The old server took 24.96 seconds to complete the task, while the new server took 13.99 seconds - 44% faster than the old server.

Test 4 - Load Test 100 users sending 10 requests querying 44k records

Our final test simulated the performance of 100 users sending 10 requests each, again each of which queried 44,000 records. The old server processed 3.5 transactions per second, while the new server processed 8.1 transactions per second - setting a 131% improvement over the old server.


The new launch plan outperformed the old plan in all 4 tests, with the new server being 35-49% faster for bulk and query operations, and having 131% more transactions per second under load testing.

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