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Step 2: Craft Video Interview Questions ๐Ÿ“ฝ๏ธ
Step 2: Craft Video Interview Questions ๐Ÿ“ฝ๏ธ
Written by JIGAR DOSHI
Updated over a week ago

Crafting Interview Questions with Xinterview

Congratulations on reaching the stage of crafting interview questions for your candidates! This is an important step in the hiring process as it allows you to gather valuable information about your potential employees. Xinterview offers three options for generating interview questions, making it easier for you to create a personalized and effective interview experience.

1. AI-generated questions

One of the options available to you is utilizing AI technology to automatically generate interview questions based on the job requirements and competencies. This feature saves you time and effort in coming up with relevant questions, ensuring that your candidates are being evaluated on the skills and qualities that are important for the role.

2. Template questions

Xinterview also provides pre-existing question templates that you can save for future use. These templates are designed by industry experts and can be easily customized to fit your specific needs. This option is perfect for those who want a structured and consistent interview process.

3. Custom questions

For those who prefer a more personalized approach, Xinterview offers the option to create your own custom questions. This allows you to tailor the questions to your company's culture and the specific requirements of the job. You can also use this feature to ask unique and creative questions that will help you get to know your candidates better.

In addition to crafting the questions, Xinterview also allows you to set three metrics in the answer section to further enhance the interview experience.

1. Allowed takes

With this feature, you can determine how many attempts the candidate can make to answer each question. This is especially useful for candidates who may need more time to think or for those who may experience technical difficulties during the interview.

2. Thinking time

Set the duration for the candidate to prepare their answer before responding to each question. This allows the candidate to gather their thoughts and provide a well-thought-out response.

3. Allocated time

Specify the time allotted for candidates to answer each question. This ensures that all candidates have an equal amount of time to showcase their skills and abilities.

By utilizing these options, you can create an engaging and tailored video interview experience for your candidates. This will not only help you make informed hiring decisions but also leave a positive impression on your potential employees.

We hope this article has helped you understand the different options available for crafting interview questions with Xinterview. Happy hiring!

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