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Step 4: Add and Invite Candidates ✉️
Step 4: Add and Invite Candidates ✉️
Written by JIGAR DOSHI
Updated over a week ago

Adding and Inviting Candidates to Your Interview

Congratulations, you have successfully set up your interview! Now it's time to add and invite your candidates. This article will guide you through the three options available for adding and inviting candidates.

1. Invite Link

The first option for adding and inviting candidates is through an invite link. Once you have created a job posting, a unique URL will be generated for you. This link can be sent to candidates via email or integrated into your job board or LinkedIn job page. By clicking on the link, candidates will be directed to your interview page where they can submit their application and CV. You also have the option to toggle on or off the CV collection feature, allowing you to collect CVs from candidates through the link.

2. Invite via Email

The second option is to invite candidates via email. This method allows you to add candidates one by one. Simply enter their name, last name, and email address, and they will receive a personal link that grants them access to your interview. This link is unique to each candidate and ensures their privacy and security.

3. Bulk Invite

If you have a large number of candidates, the bulk invite option may be the most efficient for you. This method involves uploading a CSV file with the names, last names, and email addresses of all your candidates. Once the file is uploaded, an email will be sent to each candidate with their personal link to the interview.

And that's it! You now know the three options for adding and inviting candidates to your interview. Choose the method that works best for you and start filling your interview with top talent. Good luck!

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